
Stateful Vs Stateless Firewall

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A stateful firewall is a computer or router that can monitor and filter the traffic coming across it dynamically, an architecture known as stateful packet inspection (SPI) or dynamic packet filtering. It allows for packets of data to be inspected more thoroughly than stateless firewalls, which can only monitor traffic based on static values, such as the address where the packet originated. Gross beat mac free. Stateful firewalls are used when security is preferred over speed.

  1. Stateful And Stateless Firewall Quora

Stateful firewall technology was introduced by Check Point Software with the FireWall-1 product in 1994. not in citation given Before the development of stateful firewalls, firewalls were stateless. A stateless firewall treats each network frame or packet individually. A firewall can be described as being either Stateful or Stateless.Stateless firewalls watch network traffic and restrict or block packets based on source and destination addresses or other static values. A stateless firewall filter, also known as an access control list (ACL), does not statefully inspect traffic.


The protocol of the Internet, and networks in general, used to communicate between computers is built in layers. Most traffic that comes through a firewall will have a header, or initial packet, that identifies what it is for, where it’s going and what type of traffic it is. A stateless firewall can only look at the header of a packet, which is located in the most superficial layer. The stateful firewall can go deeper into other layers of the protocol and tell more about the packet, thus making it more dynamic.

Stateful And Stateless Firewall Quora

A stateless firewall will typically look at traffic that comes across it and filter it using such information as the address where it is headed, the address where it came from and other pre-defined statistics. It is the simplest type of firewall and the easiest to use; most software-based firewalls use this technology. It not as secure as a stateful firewall, but it is typically faster because it doesn’t have to process as much information.