Saint Row 3 Gangs
The best place to get cheats, codes, cheat codes, walkthrough, guide, FAQ, unlockables, achievements, and secrets for Saints Row: The Third (Saints Row 3) for Xbox 360. Jun 29, 2009 saints row 3 gangs Deadman1993 No Longer a Noob. TheNinth Noob. Ninjitsubob Noob. Evidence86 Almost Not a Noob. LegacyAccount Old Account. Toine2345 Noob. BuzzedJedi Noob. Scorptile3122- Noob. EliteDalek Noob. Phantomlords Noob. XBOX3604life15 Noob. The Saints are kings of Welcome to Steel port Years after taking Stillwater for their own, the Third Street Saints have evolved from street gang to house gold brand name, with Saints sneakers, Saints energy drinks and Johnny Gat bobble head dolls all available at a store near you. The Saints are kings of Stillwater, but their celebrity status has not gone unnoticed.
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- BFG: One of their most powerful weapons can best be described as a grenade MINIGUN. (See Grenade Spam below.)
- Grenade Launcher: What their specialists wield in combat.
- Grenade Spam: Their specialists have minigun-like devices that can shoot out roughly half a dozen grenades PER SECOND!
- Hummer Dinger: Their preferred vehicles are neon-festooned, pimped-out Bulldogs.
- Masked Luchador: An entire gangs worth.
- Mighty Glacier: Their specialists are extremely slow moving, but can inflict a lot of damage to make up for it.
Killbane, the Walking Apocalypse (Eddie Pryor)
- Ain't Too Proud to Beg: He begs the Boss not to unmask him and even offers to teach the Boss the secret of his Apoca-Fists in exchange to show how desperate he is.
- All There in the Manual: The games guide explains that he uses steroids to keep up with the younger wrestlers, though that he suffers roid rage because of it. This would explain a lot.
- And I Must Scream: In 'Gat Out of Hell', Vlad punishes him for his attempted coup by torturing him for the rest of eternity.
- Anti-Climactic Unmasking: Should you choose to unmask him. Underneath the mask, he's just an average-looking, middle-aged man with receding, buzzed-short blond hair.Bobby: We have seen the face of the Walking Apocalypse and to be honest, it's a man with a receding hairline.
- Attention Whore: One of the reasons he turned against Angel was because he was more popular with the gang's members and started to overshadow Killbane.
- Bad Boss:
- During the attack on the Saints at the Hughes Bridge, he continues attacking even when his Luchadores get in the way.
- When Matt suggested that the DeWynters take over for Loren, Killbane smacks him with a chair. He beats the living shit out of his own gang when he loses to Boss in Murderbrawl (even if you choose to let him keep his mask), snaps Kiki's neck when she and her sister try to leave, only has his position of power because he took it by force... Yeah... not the best man to work with.
- Actually subverted when Matt Miller is defeated and he flees Steelport. It seems like Eddie's going to kill him (even Matt thinks so), but in the end, all he does is express how sad he is that Matt's decided to leave out of fear for his own life and is actually pretty understanding (despite almost breaking Matt's neck by accident while talking with his hands). As Matt walks away, Killbane stops him... and tells him that he can list Killbane as a reference any time.
- In general, it seems that he's somewhat reasonable as long as you don't fuck up and remember to show him the respect he thinks he deserves.
- Big-Bad Ensemble: Shares the role of the main antagonist with Cyrus, the leader of STAG.
- Big 'NO!': If you choose to rip off his mask during Murderbrawl XXXI.
- Berserk Button: Don't disrespect him. He doesn't like when someone uses his real name, but he's willing to let it go with a simple correction, as seen when Jane Valderamma used it during their interview. What got Kiki killed is repeatedly using his name to talk down to him.
- The Brute: Huge and muscular? Check. Lots of strength? Check. Killbane's role? Gang leader.
- Death by Irony: Over the course of the game, he commits many Moral Event Horizons such as delivering a No-Holds-Barred Beatdown to his own gang and snapping Kiki's neck when she tried to leave. So how does he finally die if the Boss chooses to go after him? A No-Holds-Barred Beatdown followed by a Neck Snap to finish him off.
- Dented Iron: After a plane crash the Boss can hurt Killbane with his/her bare fists unlike in MurderBrawl.
- Disproportionate Retribution: Even despite her insolence, his murdering of Kiki was way over the line.
- Do Not Call Me 'Paul': Hates being called Eddie. He accepts it once during a radio interview with Jane, politely asking that she call him 'Killbane' but Kiki could not take the hint and keeps calling him that to get under his skin, which leads to him killing her. This is Truth in Television among pro wrestlers, as it is considered disrespectful for anyone other than family and close friends to call a wrestler by their real name (even fellow wrestlers usually refer to each other by their wrestling names when out-of-character). They usually don't go on killing sprees over it, though.
- Dragon Ascendant: Takes control of the Syndicate after the Saints kill Loren.
- Evil Counterpart: Both Killbane and the Boss are crimelords-turned-pop-culture-icons. The main difference is in how they treat their gangs: the Boss will fight to the death for the Saints while Killbane kills his minions at the slightest provocation.
- Expy: Of several characters.
- His name, look, near superhuman strength, obsession with defeating the protagonist, and high intellect are similar to the Batman villain Bane.
- His obsession with his career and loss of his mask seems like a combination of Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair, and Rey Mysterio.
- His refusal to be called by his real name is similar to the two Trope Namers.
- Genius Bruiser: After the death of Phillipe, Killbane proves to be a strategist with — fittingly for a wrestler — a good sense for public opinion. His only real weakness is his temper, which makes all that fly out the window.
- Hannibal Lecture: He says that the Boss should thank him and the Syndicate for helping the Saints rediscover their killer instinct after having 'sold out'.
- Heel: Killbane was one in the ring, which evolved to outside the ring, too.
- Hidden Depths: At first, he just seems like an egotistical brute, but in addition to being a skilled tactician, an adept manipulator of media and public opinion, and being capable of making allusions to Classical Mythology and T. S. Eliot poems on the fly, he also lets Matt leave the Syndicate no strings attached. Looking back on his actions over the first half of the game, this comes off as rather surprising.
- Karma Houdini: In the last mission, he'll get away if you choose to save Shaundi. Doubly applies if you didn't unmask him earlier. As of IV, he dies along with most of humanity after Earth is blown up.
- Killed Off for Real: Even though the 'Kill Killbane' ending is non-canon, he was killed along with the destruction of Earth.
- Klingon Promotion: Takes control of the Syndicate via self-election after Phillipe is killed despite the DeWynter sisters being the actual heirs to the empire.
- Large Ham: Loves to make egotistical and grandiose speeches about how great he is.
- Made of Iron: The man can take a lot of punishment and is completely unfazed by mere punches from the Boss.
- Names to Run Away from Really Fast: 'They call me 'Killbane, the Walking Apocalypse'.'
- No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: He delivers one to his OWN GANG, and all just because he lost to the Boss in Murderbrawl:Killbane: *slams the mook into a wall head first* 'IT'S MY FUCKING REPUTATION!'
- No-Sell: In his boss fight, punching Killbane is completely ineffective and the Boss is forced to whack him with various weapons thrown onto the stage.
- O.O.C. Is Serious Business: After Matt failed to kill the Saints and plans to leave the Syndicate, Killbane, who beats up and kills his underlings at even the slightest provocation, just lets him leave, even saying that he'd be willing to be a reference for him. Matt is so scared that he flees to England and becomes a data handler for MI-6 agent Asha Odekar.
- Cutscene Boss: He takes him out via quick time events in the Kill Killbane ending.
- Post-Final Boss: In the 'Save Shaundi' ending, Killbane is fought in the epilogue as the villain of the 'Gangstas in Space' film. Though it's not actually Killbane, just an actor playing him.
- Real Men Wear Pink: Promotional art shows him wearing a rather flamboyant pink feather boa (probably as an homage to Hulk Hogan's red and yellow feather boas). While he never wears it in-game, he does keep a pink handkerchief in his suit pocket.
- Small Name, Big Ego: Killbane will constantly taunt the Saints and sees himself as unstoppable. While he is capable, Killbane isn't exactly a sensible leader like Loren. His ego cracks if you choose to unmask him in the ring in front of a live audience, something he greatly fears. If you decide to go after Killbane at the end of the game, even after barely surviving a plane explosion, he'll still taunt the Boss on how he'll choke them until their last words are thanking Killbane.
- Smug Snake: He wrote a play depicting a ridiculously one-sided version of his and Angel's backstory and has scheduled it to be performed for five years just to spite Angel, none of his schemes more complicated than using his muscle to intimidate people work out, and his reaction to being publicly humiliated by the Boss is to try to skip town.
- Wicked Cultured:
- Despite the whole wrestler/crimelord job and being rather insane, he actually comes off as rather intelligent and well-learned when not angered. He references a T. S. Eliot poem during one confrontation, and is fairly erudite in his radio interview (at least before he starts cussing).
- He also seems to have a working knowledge of Greek mythology, which he likes to throw into his speech. He uses a reference to Apollo correctly with Viola, he uses Icarus as a euphemism for the Boss at one point as well. His only major slip up is a Roman history topic when he references the burning of the Rome as 'Caesar playing his fiddle' when that was (supposedly) Nero. But by then, his sanity is less-than totally in line. On the other hand, Caesar was a title given to the Roman emperors, including Nero.
- Would Hit a Girl: He nonchalantly snaps Kiki's neck after she and her sister try to leave The Syndicate.
- Villainous Breakdown: Goes through this if he's unmasked. Or even if he isn't.
- Zero-Effort Boss: In 'Murderbrawl XXXI,' his Boss Battle is just a series of quick time events. Your second fight with him may also be a series of QTEs, or may be an actual fight, depending on your choices.
- Cyber Punk: Their gang is heavily themed after this.
- Dark Action Girl: Their specialists are rollerblading Perky Goth girls, with dual-wielded SMGs and a Shock Hammer.
- Drop the Hammer: Their specialists' main form of attack.
- Evil Brit: Like their boss, most of them speak with British accents.
- Fragile Speedster: Their specialists can't take many hits, but are extremely fast and move quickly enough to make most explosive and charge weapons like the airstrike completely useless about 90% of the time.
- In the Hood: A few of their members wear these.
- Sinister Scythe: The shock hammers carried by their specialists have one of these attached for a secondary attack that doesn't spend charges.
- Teens Are Monsters: If there's Matt's age and their theme to go along, most of the Deckers are probably still in high school, and they're no less dangerous or brutal as the other gangs.
- Fridge Horror: The criminal situation in Steelport is so bad that teenagers - the nation's youth - are participating in it and are just as dangerous and heartless as the other criminals. Now just imagineyourchild being a criminal just like them.
- Teen Genius: Apparently, it's a requirement amongst the Deckers to be both underaged and a technical prodigy.
- Teleport Spam: The female specialists love doing this.
- Tron Lines: Both their cars and personal clothing evoke this aesthetic with a color scheme of black with shock blue edges.
Matt Miller
- Anti-Villain: Of the Jerkass variety. Sure, he's a malicious Troll in the cyber world, but he also seems to be the Only Sane Man in regards to the Syndicate, with Phillipe's death and Killbane going crazy with power. If he isn't a Noble Demon, he's pretty sympathetic.
- Adorkable: Especially in IV where we see even more just how dorky Matt can really be.
- A God Am I: To a certain extent, in the Deckers trailer, he says 'Don't you get it? I'm God in here' when Boss confronts him in cyberspace. He also taunts the Boss after causing their helicopter to crash referring to himself as a 'cybergod'.
- Ain't Too Proud to Beg: This actually ends up saving his life. By offering to leave the Deckers and helping the Boss with a vehicle or weapon discount, the Boss lets him walk away unharmed.
- Alliterative Name: Matt Miller.
- Ambiguously Bi: Besides his pretty blatant crush on Kinzie and Asha, various dialogue that got Dummied Out of the final game suggests that he likes to get touchy-feely with Johnny and that his Keith David fanboying enters Stalker with a Crush levels. Plus, there's that thing about him writing slash fanfic of Nyte Blayde, which puts a whole different spin on his self-insertion stories. Some ambiguity is removed in How the Saints Saved Christmas, as he asks Santa for both a Bloody Canoness body pillow and a Nyte Blayde body pillow.
- Ascended Fanboy: He's a big fan of Keith David and he's overjoyed to meet him in IV.
- He's also such a Roddy Piper fanboy that it makes Roddy uncomfortable.
- The Boss ends up enjoying his Nyte Blayde fanf—er, 'expanded universe fiction' so much that he/she use his/her authority as sole surviving world leader to grant Matt all rights to the entire Nyte Blayde franchise.
- The Baby of the Bunch: Likely turning 18 as of Saints Row IV, he's easily the youngest major member of the Saints, and no less competent as the others.
- Belligerent Sexual Tension: One-sided with Kinzie. He may be in a heated hacking competition with her, but if you call him along with CID in IV, you might find out he's downloaded naked pictures of her. Kinzie doesn't appear to be too interested in him, though. Seems to have redirected his lust towards Asha in IV.
- Berserk Button: Badmouth NyteBlayde near him and he'll go nuts.
- Ruin his carefully constructed NyteBlade training simulation/fanfiction at your own peril.
- The Cracker: He's the resident hacker of the Syndicate.
- Character Development: When we first meet him in Saints Row: The Third, he's a shy, cowardly teenager who belies a truly malicious Troll when given a computer. After nearly being killed and saved by the Boss, he becomes infinitely nicer and more courageous, to the point he even joins the Saints in their quest to bring down Zinyak. Plus, we also get to see his better qualities and his sheer dorkiness.
- Defeat Means Friendship: After being nearly killed by the Saints in The Third, he becomes an official member in IV.
- Dirty Coward: Although considering he's a scrawny nerd while the boss has Charles Atlas Superpowers, it may not be cowardice so much as a desire not to piss off the guy who could kill you if given half a choice any more than you already have.
- The Dragon: To Killbane in The Third. His cyberform even looks a bit like a dragon.
- Dude Looks Like a Lady: Looks very feminine in Saints Row IV even after toning down most of the Guyliner and makeup from the previous game.
- Even Evil Has Standards: Is pretty horrified to see Killbane kill Kiki in cold blood after she threatened to leave. He also points out earlier that Kiki and Viola were the rightful owners of the Syndicate after Phillipe is killed, not him or Killbane. This second action gets him a chair across the face.
- Evil Brit: Complemented by his obnoxiousness over voice chat. As summed up by The Pixel Show, within seconds of his introduction trailer:Kit Harrison: Wahey, Tron guy! Matt Miller! He laughs 'cos he's a cyber punk!
- Evil Sounds Deep: Not so much in the real world as in cyberspace, where his voice is modulated to sound deep and menacing.
- G.I.F.T.: This exchange sums things up nicely.Boss: 'That's just fine, 'cause in the real world, you're just a bitch with a keyboard.'
- Latin!Boss even says that she is never letting her kids play video games. That's how extreme Matt is.
- Guyliner: Together with dark blue lipstick and black nail polish, as part of his gothic-punk style. Much less pronounced in Saints Row IV, but it's still there.
- The Handler: To Asha in Saints Row IV
- Heel–Face Turn: After the events of the third game, Matt went to work for MI-6 and later for the Saints.
- Her Codename Was Mary Sue: In Saints Row 4, Matt designs a Nyteblade 'expanded universe fiction', wherein he's Nyte Blade's best friend and the boss is his sidekick.
- Humongous Mecha: His avatar in cyberspace is a giant draconic robot/suit of armor.
- Interface Screw: When the Boss enters the Decker's user net, Matt can do things like induce lag or invert controls to make things harder for them.
- Improbable Age: One of the top three members of the Syndicate - an international, globe-spanning operation, mind you - is also barely old enough to drive.
- Kick the Dog: During the mission 'Deckers.Die', the 'Debug Screen' includes the message Why Did You Let Johnny Die?
- You can also find a virtual headstone that reads 'Here lies Johnny Gat. He died like a little bitch.'
- The Knights Who Say 'Squee!': Matt is a huge fan of Nyteblade, which is sometimes brought up in his dialogue, but becomes a plot point in SR4.
- Masculine Girl, Feminine Boy: To Asha's masculine girl.
- Mission Control: In the fourth game together with Kinzie, due to them having the most knowledge about IT.
- Nerds Are Virgins: In his romance scene in IV, Boss propositions Matt by saying he doesn't have to die a virgin. Matt does ask to be called 'Nyteblade' note , and Boss reluctantly agrees. Although this might just be an assumption of the Boss' that Matt doesn't bother to correct, since Kinzie states during one of the heli-assault missions that he does have a girlfriend who lives in Burns Hill.
- No Celebrities Were Harmed: Looks a lot like Jared Leto in Saints Row IV.
- Non-Action Guy: The only time he even bothers fighting is in cyberspace where he has several advantages, while in the real world he is constantly getting kicked around by Killbane.
- Still admits to being one in SR4, although he admits getting more enthusiastic with doing things 'personally'.
- Not So Different: In IV, cyber-Julius can make him realise that what he tried to do in 'Deckers.Die' is similar to what Zinyak is trying.
- Not-So-Harmless Villain: Both Loren and Killbane get plenty of hype while Matt is portrayed as a pathetic weakling for the first half of the game. The fact that he spends a good portion of his screen time getting kicked around or taunting the player make him seem like just a kid in way over his head. Then the mission 'Deckers.Die' rolls around and he confronts the Boss in cyberspace as a massive dragon knight. This is pretty much the only real boss fight in the game, seeing as both the other two Syndicate leaders go down without much fuss or effort. One moment before that stands out as well: Shaundi and the Boss finally corner Killbane and are about to execute him with a sniper rifle. Seconds before Shaundi can take the shot, however, the helicopter they are driving spirals out of control thanks to him and crashes, almost killing them and allowing Killbane to escape. This action makes him indirectly responsible for the Sadistic Choice at the end of the game when the player must choose between letting Killbane make a clean escape from Steelport or letting Shaundi, Viola, and Burt die. Matt may be a punk, but he does get some badass moments for himself.
- Official Couple: After much ship teasing (mostly one-sided on Matt's part), Saints Row: Gat out of Hell confirms that Matt and Asha are an item by Shaundi saying 'I can't believe Asha sleeps with you.'
- One Steve Limit: With Matt, Maero's tattoo artist. Lampshaded in Saints Row IV when cyber-Maero tells Miller about his Matt, and how it ended with the Boss burning his entire arm. Matt meekly states that he knew this little story wasn't going to end well.
- One-Winged Angel: His cyberform.
- Only Sane Man: He is the only one of the three bosses who takes the Saints seriously from the start and tries to warn the others not to underestimate them. He's also the only rival gang leader to say Screw This, I'm Outta Here! when cornered by the Boss.
- Promoted Fanboy: In IV, the Boss makes him the sole owner of all rights to the Nyte Blayde franchise.
- Reasonable Authority Figure: Is willing to negotiate with the boss and offer him deals that, unlike Maero's, are quite reasonable. So reasonable, in fact, that the boss takes him up on his second deal. (The player has the choice of agreeing to the first or not.)
- Seeing how he was the only one to take the danger of the Saints serious, it's possible he had the whole offer prepared.
- Screw This, I'm Outta Here!: After being beaten in virtual reality, Matt manages to get the Boss to spare him by getting him a discount on either weapon or vehicle upgrades. Afterwards he leaves Steelport and joins MI-6.
- Sissy Villain: And it is most likely why he's still breathing.
- Stalker with a Crush: Shows some hints of this towards Kinzie. He seems to act like the little kid on the playground that teases and hurts his crush as he doesn't know how else to act. In the fourth game, it's revealed that he has a very large (and almost certainly illicit) collection of naked photographs of Kinzie.
- Still Wearing the Old Colors: Still wears his Deckers' tie with his spacesuit in IV.
- Teens Are Monsters: To the point where seeing him in the virtual reality simulator Boss might claim she will never let her kids play video games lest they turn out like Matt.
- Teen Genius: Bizarrely, Matt Miller is only 16, according to Kinzie.
- Teeth-Clenched Teamwork: With Kinzie after joining the Saints. Even though they eventually develop a working relationship, Kinzie never fully forgives him, as one of her idle dialogue lines in Gat out of Hell has her wishing that Matt was in Hell rotting.
- Took a Level in Badass: In 3, he was a gang leader at Kinzie's level with a computer but utterly inefficient and shy in the real world. In 4, he almost escaped the Zin ship by hacking the doors by himself and was able to equip Boss' robot with guns in the middle of a firefight, helping Boss defending their ships in a AA gun, but the real level-taking happens after his Nyteblayde fanfiction/simulation is derailed by Zinyak and he must kill Nyteblayde. After that, he noticeably becomes as badass as the rest of the Saints. The Boss goes as far as claim he 'really earned his place among The Saints' during the simulation crashing.
- Took a Level in Kindness: Despite being a troll of the highest order in SR3, and being responsible for ruining Kinzie's FBI career in the backstory, the opening of SRIV has him working with Asha and the Saints to stop a fearsome terrorist. When said terrorist launches a nuke, and the Boss is trying to disable it, Matt admits over the radio that had he known the Boss of the Saints would risk his life to save millions of innocent people, he wouldn't have caused him so much trouble back in Steelport.
- Trash Talk: He comes off as a mix of every type of online troll and douche bag all rolled together into a single entity. Even his gang like to taunt the player regardless of how well they are doing in a fight.
- Weak, but Skilled: Likely the only reason he's kept around is because of his hacking skills. This might also be why Killbane was so willing to let him leave.
- Yaoi Fanboy: An Interface Screw at the end of one of the missions reveals that Matt apparently writes Nyte Blayde Slash Fic in his spare time.
- Arms Dealer: Their leader, Phillipe Loren, even owns a designer gun store in Steelport called Powder (which the Saints raid early in the game).
- Badass Longcoat: It can be hard to see unless they appear on the ground, but their specialists wear these.
- Bald of Evil: Their specialists again.
- Boring, but Practical: Unlike the other gangs who use swords, shock hammers, and grenade machine guns, all they use are standard guns and high powered sniper rifles in the case of their specialists. Of course, said sniper rifles are probably the most powerful gun in the game, can't be picked up when the specialist dies, and have a pretty good range of effectiveness. The only real weaknesses they do have are the laser sights mounted on the gun that give away their location.
- Cold Sniper: Their specialists.
- Meaningful Name: Morningstar is a (primarily European) nickname for Lucifer, the name of a medieval weapon and (somewhat reaching) a nickname for the planet Venus, named for the Roman goddess of love. For a European criminal organisation who all dress in red and black and dabble in both the arms trafficking and sex industries, it's quite fitting.
- Red and Black and Evil All Over: Their primary color is red, but their gang also features a lot of black as well (along with a few splashes of pink here and there). A good example would be their gang vehicles which are painted red and black with a bright red underglow effect.
- Spell My Name with an 'S': The game can't seem to decide whether their name is 'Morning Star' or 'Morningstar'.
- Starter Villain: Story-wise, they are the first Syndicate gang dealt with and primarily populate the starting areas.
- Stripperiffic: Their female members are pretty hardy considering the outfits they wear during gunfights. This is because they were intended to be a separate gang of ex-prostitutes, but the concept was merged with another gang.
Phillipe Loren
Jacques Hennequet (Saints Row: The Third)
JB Blanc (Saints Row IV)
Saints Row 3 Gang Signs
The ruthless Belgian leader of the Morningstar syndicate.- Affably Evil: He is a gentleman and appears to have been, if not liked, at least well-respected by his fellow Syndicate members. He dotes on Kiki and Viola as if they were his daughters, and Viola even remembers him fondly in a conversation with Mayor Reynolds if the player character has both of them as homies. When Mayor Reynolds refers to him as French by mistake, Viola corrects him by saying that he was actually Belgian.
- Badass in a Nice Suit: Makes sense, his entire gang is basically the Steelport mafia. Even his mooks dress nice.
- Berserk Button: Do not call him French. He. Is. Belgian.Phillipe: I am going to cut that disrespectful tongue from your mouth.
- Big Bad: Played with. He gets hyped in the trailers as the Big Bad. In the final release, he is this... for the duration of Act I. Killbane ultimately takes his place.
- Cheese-Eating Surrender Monkeys: Subverted. Almost everyone calls him French, despite his actually being Belgian.
- Cutscene Boss:
- For all the build up he gets as the Big Bad in the trailers and early game, he ends up simply being crushed to death by the boss at the end of act 1. He doesn't even fight the player in game before then either.
- Averted in IV, where he is a legitimate boss battle, albeit an optional one.
- Disc-One Final Boss: He is hyped up as the overall boss of the Syndicates... And is the very first gang leader defeated.
- Equal-Opportunity Evil: Despite the fact the Morningstar engages in sex slavery and trafficking, he happily employs women. The DeWynters Sisters are implied to have always liked him because he didn't condescend to them about their sex.
- Eyepatch After Timeskip: Gained after recovering from Gat slamming his head into an airplane window.
- Gratuitous French: Completely averted; he does have a very strong accent, but he never shoehorns French words in his sentences. The only time he is heard speaking French in the Third game, it is a complete sentence and it can be attributed to him being very pissed off about the events taking place at that moment.
- 'Oh, putain de merde !... Ouvrez-moi cette porte ! J'veux sa tête !!!'note
- Killed Off for Real: Flattened by a giant steel ornament.
- Knife Nut: Takes out a large security guard with a knife in the trailer and also stabs Johnny Gat with one.
- Man of Wealth and Taste: He always appears wearing a stylish red suit, speaks both French and English, and is flanked by two tastefully dressed ladies with masters degrees in economics.
- Not Even Bothering with the Accent: He has a plausible French accent, but not the right one. His voice actor uses the French dialect from France instead of Belgian French, which has a different accent.
- Smoking Is Cool: Especially in the trailer where he steps out of his car, lights up a cigarette, calmly hands it to one of his assistants, takes out a knife, and stabs a large Saints security guardto death with it (all in the span of a few seconds) before finally walking on board an elevator while his assistant hands him back his cigarette. He does all of this without even saying a word or changing his expression.
- Spell My Name with an 'S': While Philippe is a common name in Belgium (it is even the name of their current ruler, king Philippe of Belgium), Loren's first name is written Phillipe, which is a very strange way to spell it.
Kiki and Viola DeWynter
- Action Girl: While they're both business school graduates, the sisters aren't afraid to get their hands dirty.
- Ambiguously Brown: They have pretty dark skin, possibly because they were originally going to be Asians, but were changed to avoid the stereotype of Asian women serving an older male villain. They're likely just tanned Europeans since DeWynter is a popular surname in Belgium aka Phillipe's home country.
- Angsty Surviving Twin: Viola swears vengeance on Killbane after he murders Kiki.
- Brainy Brunette: Both twins are this, having Master's degrees in economics.
- Bullying a Dragon: Kiki continuously calls Killbane by his real name in order to get under his skin. She does it one time too many and Killbane snaps her neck with one hand, killing her. Viola isn't exactly better as she antagonizes Oleg, reminding him they kept him prisoner, on her meeting with The Boss, and will occasionally mock the Saints' losses. Luckily the Boss and Oleg have better tempers than Killbane.
- Casting Gag: Viola has issues with a revealing outfit. She's voiced by ex-porn star Sasha Grey.
- Cloud Cuckoolanders Minder: Viola attempts to be this to Boss upon joining the Saints, and she's played by Sasha Grey no less. She does at least save Boss from zombification, which was nice of her.
- Co-Dragons: Loren's right-hand women: his personal assistants and the heiresses to his empire.
- Coordinated Clothes: They are dressed in identical dark gray sweaters, leather skirts and go-go boots, the only difference being the colors of the rims on their sunglasses.
- Deadpan Snarker: Viola, especially to the Boss.
- Disproportionate Retribution:
- The reason why their friendship with Zimos ended and they turned him into a sex slave? Zimos slept with one of them, but then forgot which one. Being mad is understandable, but dang.
- Kiki is on the receiving end of some when Killbane gives her a Neck Snap. What did she do? She called him by his real name after deciding to leave the Syndicate.
- Enemy Mine: Viola ends up working with the Saints in order to take down Killbane after he kills Kiki.
- Finishing Each Other's Sentences: Their Audio logs in Gat out of Hell have them doing this.
- The Friend Nobody Likes: Viola gets this reaction from the rest of the Saints due to the Enemy Mine situation. With the exceptions of The Boss, Kinzie, and Pierce (and even Pierce is still somewhat snide to her) - the other Saints hate her.
- Heel–Face Turn:
- Viola defects and joins the Saints after her sister's death.
- Kiki in 'Gat Out Of Hell' as well, to the point of considering and calling Kinzie her sister if you rescue her and Viola as her.
- Identical Twin ID Tag: The twins can be distinguished by their voices and color of their glasses' rims: Viola's are white, Kiki's are pink. After Kiki's death, Viola starts wearing her glasses. Kiki's voice is deeper than Viola's in The Third, though after Ashly Burch replaced Megan Hollingshead in Gat out of Hell, it's far more difficult to tell their voices apart.
- Ironic Name: 'Viola' means 'violet' in Italian and she is in a gang who opposes the Saints, who use purple as their color Double irony, she eventually leaves the Syndicate and joins up with them, making it a Meaningful Name.
- Could also double as an Unfortunate Name and, arguably, a Meaningful Name, since 'Viola' is the third person past historic singular for 'Violer', which means 'to violate' or 'to rape' in French. Though neither of the DeWynters have a history of rape (that we know of), they were involved in the human trafficking ring and worked for a gang that engages in sex slavery.
- It's Personal: Viola has a grudge on Killbane after he kills Kiki. This is the main reason she joins the Saints.
- Jerkass Has a Point: She lectures the Boss on how their impulsive stunts got Gat killed. The Boss isn't able to come up with a retort.
- Killed Off for Real:
- Kiki is after telling Killbane that the Morning Star was leaving the Syndicate, while calling him by his first name (Eddie). He responds by picking her up with one hand by her neck and then snapping it.
- Viola is, along with Shaundi and Burt Reynolds, in the (non-canon, as of Saints Row IV) ending where you go after Killbane instead of rescuing them.
- Kinzie states that Viola was killed when Earth was destroyed, which is confirmed in Gat out of Hell, joining her sister in Hell.
- Likes Older Men: Viola's compliments on Cyrus Temple's features when The Boss disguises as Temple to rescue Shaundi.'Cyrus is very powerful and statuesque'.
- Naughty Nun: Viola during one of the later missions.
- Only Sane Man: After joining the Saints, Viola tries, unsuccessfully, to assume the role of the Boss' Cloudcuckoolander's Minder.
- Pet the Dog: It's implied that she formed some kind of friendship with Kinzie during the time between The Third and IV, based on their homie conversation and interactions in Hell. Gat informs Viola of how much Kinzie misses her during their reunion, which Viola thinks is sweet. When Kinzie begins to annoy Kiki, Viola assures Kiki that 'she grows on you' and insists that the two get along.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Kiki's the red to Viola's blue, as her insistence on talking down to Killbane is what got her killed.
- Reformed, but Not Tamed: Even after she joins the Saints, Viola is still very snide and standoffish towards them. She does seem to have a soft spot for Kinzie, and in Gat out of Hell, she admits that she loved working with the Saints and grew to like every one of them. 'Except for Shaundi. Fuck that bitch!'.
- Stripperiffic: While they normally avert this poor Viola is forced to dress like this during one of the missions after she joins the Saints. She is not at all happy about this.
- Sweater Girl: Both sisters provide a nice contrast to the many less tastefully-dressed women roaming the streets of Steelport. In fact, when Viola has to drop this look in favor of a much more stripperiffic costume for a mission, she gets pretty upset about it.
- Thicker Than Water: The sisters are loyal to one another before anyone else. After Killbane murders Kiki, Viola decides to throw her lot in with The Boss (who themselves had already killed her mentor.)
- Think Twins: They both have Master's degrees in economics, and are in charge of the Morningstar's prostitution ring.
- Trauma Conga Line: Viola suffers seeing her beloved father figure, Phillipe Loren, killed by the Saints, her and her sister's rightful position as head of the Syndicate taken by Killbane, her sister's brutal murder by Killbane via Neck Snap, and being forced to dress in an incredibly skimpy outfit for a mission after she joins the Saints. Oh, and then she dies if the player decides killing Killbane is more important than rescuing her, Burt Reynolds, and Shaundi. All of this happens over the course of a few days/weeks.
- Wicked Cultured: They front as art dealers and even made a painting for Zimos before their falling out. Viola also mentions being a fan of William Shakespeare, becoming an even bigger fan after meeting him in Hell.
Saints Row | |
Developer(s) | Volition(2006–2015)
Publisher(s) |
Platform(s) | Xbox 360 Xbox One PlayStation 3 PlayStation 4 Microsoft Windows Linux Mobile phones Nintendo Switch |
First release | Saints Row 29 August 2006 |
Latest release | Saints Row: Gat out of Hell 20 January 2015 |
Saints Row is an action-adventurevideo game series created by Volition and published by Deep Silver, that tells the story of a gang called the Third Street Saints; the title comes from the name of the district of the gang's home territory. Typically, gameplay is presented in an open world format because of the mixture of nonlinear gameplay with action-adventure and racing sequences. The series is known for its comedic elements. The games' stories are written as comedies that feature popular culture homages and parodies, as well as self-referential humor.
After completing Red Faction II in late 2002, developer Volition began work on the original Saints Row game in mid-2003. The game was released in 2006 to critical acclaim and commercial success. The sequel, Saints Row 2, was released in 2008 to similar acclaim but greater commercial success. The series' third entry, Saints Row: The Third, was released on 15 November 2011. The series' fourth entry, Saints Row IV was released on 20 August 2013, with an expansion called Gat out of Hell released on 20 January 2015 in North America and 23 January 2015 in Europe. As of September 2013, the series has had unit sales in excess of 13 million, making it one of the best-selling video game franchises of all time.
- 1Games
- 1.2Saints Row 2 (2008)
- 1.3Saints Row: The Third (2011)
- 1.4Saints Row IV (2013)
- 3Setting
- 4Other media
- 6Saints Row shared universe
- 7Reception
Year | Title | PC | 7th gen | 8th gen | Developer(s) | Publisher(s) | Notes |
2006 | Saints Row | N/A | X360 | Xbox One | Volition | THQ | N/A |
2008 | Saints Row 2 | Windows, Linux | X360, PS3 | Windows port developed by CD Projekt. | |||
2011 | Saints Row: The Third | Xbox One, Nintendo Switch | Nintendo Switch port developed by Fishlabs. | ||||
2013 | Saints Row IV | Xbox One, PS4 | Deep Silver | Re-Elected port and Enter the Dominatrix DLC developed with High Voltage Software. | |||
2015 | Saints Row: Gat out of Hell | High Voltage Volition | Standalone expansion for Saints Row IV. |
Saints Row (2006)[edit]
Saints Row is the first installment in the series, having begun development in mid-2003 as a PlayStation 2 title under the name Bling Bling.[1] The game was announced at E3 2005 for the Xbox 360. As the first sandbox style video game to be released for the Xbox 360, Saints Row was widely anticipated; its pre-beta demo build set records after being downloaded nearly 400,000 times within a week.[2] It had sales in excess of 500,000 during its September 2006 release month, and was critically acclaimed. To date[when?], the game has had sales in excess of two million units.[3] The game is set in the fictional city Stilwater, which is located in the state of Michigan. The player character is inducted into the 3rd Street Saints gang after they save their life, and assists the Saints in eliminating three rival gangs that control the city. After the gangs have been eliminated, police chief Monroe kidnaps the Saints founder Julius Little and offers the player to exchange the gang leader's freedom for mayor Marshall Winslow's life. After Winslow is assassinated, Monroe is murdered by the Saints, and Julius is freed. The other Saints members look towards the player character, considering them their new leader. The new mayor Richard Hughes invites the player character aboard his private yacht and Julius betrays the player by blowing the yacht up and killing everyone but the protagonist on board. The game was renowned for being the first seventh-generation sandbox game, and introduced features which have since become staples to the genre. It introduces online multiplayer, an in-game mobile phone, GPS navigation, and elaborate character and vehicle customization.[4][5]
Saints Row 2 (2008)[edit]
Saints Row 2 began development in mid-2006, a few months before the Xbox 360 release of Saints Row.[6] While a PlayStation 3 port of Saints Row was in development, it was cancelled when Saints Row 2 was confirmed in May 2007.[7] A Microsoft Windows port, announced in June 2008, was released in early 2009. Three downloadable content packs were developed and launched in mid-2009 (for console only), including Ultor Exposed and Corporate Warfare.
Saints Row 2 is set years after Saints Row; having survived the yacht explosion, the player character awakens from a coma in a prison hospital and, after escaping, saves Johnny Gat from execution. Together with the newcomers Carlos, Shaundi, and Pierce, they begin to revive the 3rd Street Saints, gradually reclaiming Stilwater from the three gangs that had taken control of the city in the meantime (The Sons of Samedi, The Ronin, and The Brotherhood). The Ultor Corporation, responsible for the redevelopment of the Saint's Row district, eventually recognizes the Saints as a threat and attempts to extinguish them, but the player character assassinates Ultor's CEO Dane Vogel, severely weakening the company. The ending sees the Saints run Stilwater once more. The game builds upon the fundamentals of Saints Row by improving the respect system, adding more varied activities, increasing the extent to which the player can customize their character, gang, and vehicles, and adding a number of new vehicle models. It expands the Stilwater setting and adds new gameplay features and content.[8]
Downloadable content[edit]
Saints Row 2 received several downloadable content (DLC) releases, including two story DLCs. The first, Ultor Exposed, adds Red Faction: Guerrilla-themed content,[9] and stars American pornographic actress Tera Patrick,[9] who plays herself as a whistleblower and former microbiologist for the Ultor Corporation. It was released on 23 April 2009.[10][11] The second, Corporate Warfare, focuses on the struggle between the 3rd Street Saints and the Ultor Corporation, and was released on 28 May 2009.
Saints Row: The Third (2011)[edit]
Saints Row: The Third was announced in March 2011. It was released in North America on 15 November 2011, in Europe on 18 November 2011, for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Microsoft Windows platforms.[12] The game began early development at Volition in September 2008, a month before Saints Row 2 was due to release.[13] The player controls the leader of the 3rd Street Saints, who have grown from their humble roots as a street gang into a worldwide crime group. The story centers around the conflict between the Saints and the Syndicate, a rival crime group who seek to take advantage of the Saints' influence. Though the first two Saints Row games were set in the fictional city of Stilwater, Saints Row: The Third is set in a new city named Steelport. Steelport is run by three gangs, much like Stilwater was in Saints Row and Saints Row 2, yet these gangs—Morning Star, the Deckers and the Luchadores—are all under the control of the Syndicate. Later on in the game, a division of the military known as S.T.A.G. is called to Steelport by authorities in an attempt to eradicate all of the gangs in the city.[14]
Downloadable content[edit]
Downloadable content for Saints Row: The Third was announced before the game's November 2011 release along with a commitment from publisher THQ to support 40 weeks of content. Among smaller upgrades, three main content packs were released: Genkibowl VII (released 17 January 2012), Gangstas in Space (released 21 February 2012), and The Trouble with Clones (released 20 March 2012).
Saints Row IV (2013)[edit]
Saints Row IV was unveiled in March 2012 and released in North America on 20 August 2013 and worldwide shortly after on 23 August. The game is set five years after the events of Saints Row: The Third. After the Saints stop a terrorist attack by Cyrus Temple on the United States, the Saints leader has been elected President. Soon after, an alien invasion occurs and the earth is overrun.[15] The majority of the game is set in a simulation of Steelport created by the aliens to break the Saints' wills. In this simulation, the Saints must fight against the enemy for justice of their past and their own worst fears.
Downloadable content[edit]
Saints Row IV's first story-driven downloadable content pack, Enter the Dominatrix, is a 'directors cut' version of the cancelled Saints Row: The Third expansion of the same name, and was released on 22 October 2013.[16] Its second story DLC, How the Saints Saved Christmas was released on 10 December 2013.
A standalone expansion to Saints Row IV, called Gat out of Hell was released on 20 January 2015 in North America and 23 January 2015 in Europe.[17] The plot revolves around Johnny Gat's attempt to rescue the Boss from Hell after being captured by Satan.[18]
The Saints Row series is part of a genre known as sandbox games. The series combines elements of action, adventure and vehicular gameplay. The player can freely roam the virtual world on foot or by use of vehicles and make use of an array of weapon and mêlée based combat. Illegal activity such as assaulting NPC civilians and police officers will instigate a proactive and potentially lethal response from authoritative figures. In the instance of death or arrest, the player will respawn at a nearby hospital or police station.[19]
An emphasis is put on urban warfare; the player character is affiliated with a hip-hop cultured street gang known as the 3rd Street Saints. Game missions are structurally divided into separate mission arcs. These mission arcs do not intertwine but can be played through altogether at once or separately by the player. Missions are unlocked by accruing respect points; respect is game currency earned by playing non-story mini-games known as activities and diversions.[20] Customization also constitutes a large portion of gameplay. The player has the ability to customize their character's appearance and clothing, can take certain vehicles to chop shops for modification and in Saints Row 2 is able to decorate the interior of in-game safehouses and refine the behaviour of the Third Street Saints gang.[21]
The setting of both Saints Row and Saints Row 2 is the fictional city of Stilwater, located in the midwestern state of Michigan, USA. Stilwater is primarily based on the real-world American cities Chicago and Detroit. During the early development process of Saints Row, the city was designed before the script was assembled and was more than four times the size of its final revision but was cropped to a smaller revision because development resources could not support a city of that size but the red light district is largely based on Harlem including Raykins hotel as The cotton club.[22] During its development phase the city went through consistent expansion and cropping; examples such as the shopping mall and trailer park districts in Saints Row 2's city revision were originally included in early designs of Saints Row's city revision.[22] A design challenge was creating the city without load-screen interferences and as such the engine was designed to stream around the player's location in individual chunks of the city.[1] The city was designed to feel diverse and have a variance of districts; Saints Row product art director Matt Flegel commented that 'We wanted the city to cover all styles, from the towering sky scrapers of downtown to the gritty industrial feel of the factory district. We want the player to feel the changes between the districts, rather than just noticing the visual difference.'[23] The districts were also designed to feel relevant to the gangs that controlled them.[23]
The Stilwater of Saints Row 2 is significantly different from its original rendition; the city is 45% bigger than its older counterpart.[24] Much of the city from Saints Row is redeveloped in Saints Row 2, albeit becoming more 'alive' and full of depth.[25]Saints Row 2 lead producer Greg Donovan said that 'Stilwater in Saints Row 2 is very different from Saints Row. In fact, every detail has been touched to some degree or another. [...] I think that what will end up happening is that people who played Saints Row or are fans of the franchise are going to have a great time exploring the city and looking for new things. [Also], people that are new to Saints Row 2 are just going to be presented with a huge, very dispersive and very different looking environment, it's very well polished and detailed.'[26] There are no in-game load screens in Saints Row 2,[27] a notable feat as the game allows for seamless co-operative play. There are over 130 interiors within the city, including over ninety different shops.[28] The city is more dynamic and lifelike in Saints Row 2, as the artificial intelligence is smarter i.e. civilians will interact with each other.[29] Additionally, certain elements of Saints Row 2's environment are destructible as the game shares some technology with the Volition-developed Red Faction: Guerilla game.[30] Its environment also features numerous landmarks and Easter eggs; one such feature won 'Top Easter Egg of 2008'.[31]
The game Saints Row: The Third is set in the sister city of Steelport, a city that flourished in the 1800s and has since succumbed to economic failure. Steelport's districts are almost distinctly the same, and the city size is smaller than Stilwater but has larger buildings. Steelport's most memorable feature is the large statue on Magarac Island, south-east of downtown Steelport. The statue is that of steel worker Joe Magarac and is a parody of the real-life Statue of Liberty. The overall design and look of Steelport can be changed via progressing through the story. At certain points the player is allowed to choose whether to do one thing over the other, which will change how Steelport's skyline appears. Some of these choices include deciding whether to keep or blow up the Syndicate Tower. A large military ship named the Thermopylae will be located south-east of Steelport after completing the first STAG mission, 'Gang Bang'.
Saints Row IV is once again set in Steelport, however the city is set in a simulation under control of Zinyak, the game's main villain. Zinyak has changed Steelport to fit his likeness removing all signs of the Saints from the city and replacing them with images of himself, and alien technology can be seen heavily throughout the city. Many missions in Saints Row IV take place in locations other than the main sandbox of Steelport. The city of Stilwater (the setting of Saints Row and Saints Row 2) returns for one mission of the game, two missions take place in the 1950s version of Steelport, while Washington, D.C. is featured in the game's introduction.
Other media[edit]
A Saints Row film was announced to be in pre-production in April 2019, with production by Fenix Studios, Koch Media and Occupant Entertainment. F. Gary Gray is currently set to direct the film with a screenplay written by Greg Russo.[32]
Cancelled games[edit]
A spin-off titled Saints Row: Undercover was being developed by Savage Entertainment for the PSP in 2009 but was cancelled for unknown reasons. On 22 January 2016, Volition found a prototype of the game in a PSP development kit and released it as a free download on[33][34][35]
Saints Row: Money Shot was to be a spin-off of the main series, originally developed for Xbox Live Arcade.[1] The game would be available for the Xbox 360 as an Xbox Live Arcade game and for the PlayStation 3 as a PlayStation Network game featuring 3D graphics.[36][37] The game would have been tied to Saints Row: The Third, as part of the marketing campaign for the game. Playing Saints Row: Money Shot would have unlocked exclusive content for use in Saints Row: The Third, and vice versa.
Other cancelled games include a Nintendo 3DS title first announced at E3 2010 called Saints Row: Drive By, and a Kinect/PlayStation Move fighting game for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 called Saints Row: The Cooler.[38][39]
Saints Row shared universe[edit]
The events of Saints Row take place in a shared universe alongside Volition's Red Faction series and Agents of Mayhem.[40]
Red Faction[edit]
The connections between Saints Row and Volition's Red Faction series begin as early as the series' first installment in 2001, Red Faction. The first Red Faction takes place in 2075 and continues the story of The Ultor Corporation, who have begun mining operations on Mars due to Earth's rapidly depleting resources. This storyline is heavily referenced in Saints Row 2 (and its DLC). Despite potential licensing conflicts after Nordic Games purchased the rights to the Red Faction series in 2013, references to the events of Red Faction continued to make appearances in the Saints Row series. On 14 February 2018, Nordic (now known as THQ Nordic) acquired Koch Media, effectively reuniting the Red Faction and Saints Row IPs under the same publishing umbrella for the first time since THQ's bankruptcy and acquisition by Nordic.[41]
Agents of Mayhem[edit]
On 6 June 2016, Volition released a trailer for a new IP set in the Saints Row universe, Agents of Mayhem.[42][43] The game is set in a futuristic Seoul, South Korea, and takes place after the events of Gat Out of Hell's 'recreate earth' ending. The cinematic announcement trailer shows Persephone Brimstone (a character featured in Gat Out of Hell) leading an organization known as 'M.A.Y.H.E.M.' under the Ultor Corporation's payroll and to stop the terrorist organisation 'L.E.G.I.O.N.' from destroying the world's nations.[44]Agents of Mayhem was released on 15 August 2017. Pierce Washington and Oleg Kirlov are two of the game's twelve playable characters, while Johnny Gat and Kinzie Kensington are playable as DLC characters.[45][46][47][48]
Critical reception[edit]
Game | Metacritic |
Saints Row | (X360) 81[49] |
Saints Row 2 | (PC) 72[50] (X360) 81[51] (PS3) 82[52] |
Saints Row: The Third | (PC) 84[53] (X360) 84[54] (PS3) 82[55] |
Saints Row IV | (PC) 86[56] (X360) 81[57] (PS3) 76[58] |
Both Saints Row and Saints Row 2 received positive reviews for their Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 ports. However, the mobile phone ports of both games as well as the Windows port of Saints Row 2 received a more mixed response. Additionally, the downloadable content packs for Saints Row 2 received mostly average reviews.
The Xbox 360 port of Saints Row received generally positive reviews and scores. It received an 82.20% and 81/100 from review aggregators GameRankings and Metacritic respectively. IGN reviewer Douglass Perry awarded the game an 8.5/10, praising the presentation and gameplay while pointing out technical shortcomings as well as the often forced humour.[59]GameSpot reviewer Greg Kasavin awarded the game an 8.3/10, giving credit to the driving, the action, the presentation and the story. However, he criticized the lack of polish and lack of variety in mission design.[60] It was hailed as 'the best reason to own a 360 this side of Oblivion' and a 'must buy' by GamePro reviewer Vicious Sid, who awarded it five stars out of five.[61]
Both the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 ports of Saints Row 2 received positive reviews. It received an 83.37% and 82.99% from GameRankings respectively, and 82/100 and 81/100 from Metacritic respectively. GameSpy reviewer Gerald Villoria awarded the game four and a half stars out of five and said that 'Saints Row 2 offers up a shooting and driving experience that is plenty of fun [...] It's self-consciously funny in its irreverence, and its low-brow humor will definitely appeal to much of its audience'.[62] IGN reviewer Nate Ahearn awarded Saints Row 2 an 8.2/10, praising the gameplay but criticizing the lack of polish and the weak artificial intelligence.[63] However, the PC port of Saints Row 2 received a much less positive response. It received an aggregated score of 70.68% and 72/100 from GameRankings and Metacritic.
Dan Whitehead of Eurogamer wrote that Grand Theft Auto IV was a boon for the Saints Row series since it allowed the latter to be 'gleeful silly sandbox games' as the former series took a more serious turn.[64]
Saints Row 2 shipped over two million units for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 during October 2008, the month of its release.[65]
On 2 November 2011, THQ CEO Brian Farrell announced that Saints Row: The Third was already the most pre-ordered title in series history. In fact, the game had four times the number of pre-orders Saints Row 2 had two weeks before its launch. THQ estimated the game would ship over 3 million units before the publisher's fiscal year ends in March 2012. By comparison, Saints Row 2 launched in October 2008 and sold 2.6 million by the end of the fiscal year. On 25 January 2012, THQ announced that The Third had shipped 3.8 million units globally and are expecting to ship between five and six million units lifetime on the title.
To date, the series has roughly sold over 13 million units, including over three million for Saints Row 2.[66]
Other appearances[edit]
Johnny Gat appears as a guest character in the parody fighting game Divekick.[67] Pierce Washington is a featured character in the PlayStation VR game 100ft Robot Golf.[68]
- ^ abLawrance, Alan (7 July 2006). 'Saints Row Developer Diary #2'. GameSpy. Retrieved 19 July 2009.
- ^Surette, Tim (21 August 2006). 'Saints Row demo sets record'. GameSpot. Retrieved 19 July 2009.
- ^Sources that discuss Saints Row's financial success include:
i. Thorsen, Tom (13 September 2006). 'US console charts: September 5–11'. GameSpot. Retrieved 19 July 2009.;
ii. Cocker, Guy (26 September 2006). 'UK game charts: September 17–23'. GameSpot. Retrieved 19 July 2009.;
iii. Ramsay, Randolph (15 September 2006). 'Saints Row still tops in Oz'. GameSpot. Retrieved 19 July 2009.;
iv. Graft, Kris (18 June 2008). 'THQ: Saints Row 2 'Very Different' from GTA IV'. Retrieved 19 July 2009. - ^Onyett, Chales (9 September 2005). 'Saints Row Hands-On'. IGN. Retrieved 22 July 2010.
- ^Miller, Johnathan (9 May 2006). 'E3 2006: Saints Row Hands-On'. IGN. Retrieved 23 July 2010.
- ^Wilson, Mark (17 March 2008). 'Feeding your ID in Saints' Row 2'. Kotaku. Retrieved 17 March 2008.
- ^Graft, Kris (10 May 2007). 'Saints Row PS3 Canned, Sequel Confirmed'. Next Generation Magazine. Retrieved 6 July 2007.
- ^Robinson, Martin (31 July 2008). 'Saints Row 2 UK Hands-on'. IGN. Retrieved 31 July 2008.
- ^ abBrudvig, Eric (30 March 2009). 'Saints Row 2: Ultor Exposed'. IGN. Retrieved 10 April 2009.
- ^Hatfield, Daemon (23 April 2009). 'Ultor Now Exposed'. IGN.
- ^V-Singular (23 April 2009). 'SR2 DLC Pack #1 Out Now!'. The Row Community.
- ^Cullen, Johnny (3 March 2011). 'THQ formally announces Saints Row: The Third'. VG247. Retrieved 2 March 2011.
- ^Guttridge, Luke (25 September 2008). 'Dan Sutton on Saints Row 2'. Retrieved 25 July 2009.
- ^Ryckert, Dan (2 March 2011). 'April Cover Reveal - Saints Row: The Third'. Game Informer. Retrieved 2 March 2011.
- ^Daniel Nye Griffiths (15 March 2013). 'Saints Row 4: August Launch Announced'. Forbes. Retrieved 18 March 2013.
- ^Karmali, By Luke. 'Saints Row 4 Enter The Dominatrix DLC Release Date'. IGN. Retrieved 30 July 2016.
- ^'Saints Row: Gat Out of Hell and Re-Elected Get New Release Dates and Trailer - IGN'. IGN. Retrieved 28 March 2016.
- ^sonyplaystation (29 August 2014), Saints Row: Gat Out Of Hell Announcement TRAILER, retrieved 28 March 2016
- ^Perry, Douglas (20 May 2005). 'E3 2005: Saints Row First Look'. IGN. Retrieved 19 July 2009.
- ^Wilson, Mark (17 March 2008). 'Feeding your ID in Saints Row 2'. Kotaku. Retrieved 18 March 2008.
- ^Ahearn, Nate (23 March 2008). 'Saints Row 2 First Look'. IGN. Retrieved 23 March 2008.
- ^ abStockman, Christopher (27 June 2006). 'Saints Row Developer Diary #1'. GameSpy. Retrieved 27 July 2009.
- ^ abFlegel, Matt (4 August 2006). 'Saints Row Developer Diary #5'. GameSpy. Retrieved 27 July 2009.
- ^Ahearn, Nate (28 March 2008). 'Saints Row 2 Details'. IGN. Retrieved 28 March 2008.
- ^Claflin, Chris (7 October 2008). 'Developer Blog - 'Creating the Dynamic City of Stilwater''. Saints Row Community. Retrieved 7 October 2008.
- ^IGN Xbox 360 (5 April 2008). 'Saints Row 2 Xbox 360 Interview'. IGN. Retrieved 16 August 2009.
- ^Garbutt, Russell (27 October 2008). 'Saints Row 2 Review'. GameOver Online. Retrieved 16 August 2009.
- ^Ahearn, Nate (30 July 2008). 'Saints Row 2 and Tera Patrick Preview'. IGN. Retrieved 30 July 2008.
- ^Helvig, Chris (9 September 2008). 'Developer Blog - 'Creating Life in a Sandbox''. Saints Row Community. Retrieved 16 August 2009.
- ^Robinson, Martin (31 July 2008). 'Saints Row 2 UK Hands-on'. IGN. Retrieved 16 August 2009.
- ^Webb, Dan (18 December 2008). 'Top 5 Easter Eggs of 2008'. Xbox360 Retrieved 16 August 2009.
- ^Flemming, Jr., Mike (30 April 2019). 'F. Gary Gray Developing To Direct Movie Based On Video Game Franchise 'Saints Row' For Fenix, Koch, Occupant'. Deadline Hollywood. Retrieved 30 April 2019.
- ^Schreier, Jason (29 January 2016). 'Cancelled Saints Row Game Gets Released For Free'. Kotaku. Retrieved 20 March 2016.
- ^'Saints Row: Undercover - Download the Playable PSP Prototype - Unseen64'. Unseen64: Beta, Cancelled & Unseen Videogames!. Retrieved 20 March 2016.
- ^Volition (22 January 2016), Inside Volition: Saints Row Undercover, retrieved 20 March 2016
- ^'Saints Row: Drive-by Listed As Canceled for PSN and XBL'. gamershub. Retrieved 4 May 2011.
- ^Goldberg, J 'V-Singular' (1 July 2010). 'New Information on Saints Row 3DS'. Saints Row Community. Retrieved 23 July 2010.
- ^Brightman, james (29 June 2010). 'Nintendo 'Really Wanted' Saints Row on 3DS, reveals THQ'. Industry Gamers. Retrieved 30 June 2010.
- ^'Saints Row: The Cooler [Cancelled - Xbox 360, PS3] - Unseen64'. 13 October 2014.
- ^'Volition's All-New Agents of Mayhem is Saints Row-ish'.
- ^Arif, Shabana (14 February 2018). 'THQ Nordic Buys Saints Row, Metro, Dead Island Owner, Koch Media'.
- ^'Saints Row spin-off Agents Of Mayhem gets release date and new trailer'. 3 April 2017.
- ^Black, Marie. 'Watch the latest trailer for Saints Row spinoff Agents of Mayhem'.
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- ^Villoria, Gerald (14 October 2008). 'Saints Row 2 Review'. GameSpy. Retrieved 24 July 2009.
- ^Ahearn, Nate (9 October 2008). 'Saints Row 2 Review'. IGN. Retrieved 24 July 2009.
- ^Whitehead, Dan (15 November 2011). 'Saints Row: The Third Review'. Eurogamer. Gamer Network. Archived from the original on 17 May 2014. Retrieved 17 May 2014.
- ^Plunkett, Luke (5 November 2008). 'Saints Row 2: Two Million Served (Well, Shipped)'. Kotaku. Retrieved 24 July 2009.
- ^Thorsen, Tor (15 September 2010). 'Saints Row, Warhammer 40K series sales top 6 million'. GameSpot. Retrieved 16 September 2010.
- ^Campbell, Colin (8 April 2014). 'Saints Row's Johnny Gat joining Divekick Addition Edition roster'. Polygon. Vox Media. Archived from the original on 6 March 2015. Retrieved 6 March 2015.
- ^'10th Anniversary: Saints Row Gat out of Hell'.
External links[edit]
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Saints Row. |