Windows 10 Rename Printer
Star wars the clone wars revenge. First I am going to assume your printers are on some sort of Windows Print Server. (Big assumption I know, but lack of information leaves me to guess)
If this is correct, All you need to do is bring of the list of printers on the server, R-click and rename the printer. Then when searching through AD for a printer, that is the name shown, no matter the Share Name or the Actual Name on the printer.
How to Change Default Printer Names in Windows 10 Hindi-Urdu In windows 10 pc how to change printer name how to rename printer names in windows 10 how to set printer name in windows 10.
The unfortunate side is that this will not rename the printer on clients already mapped to this printer, You will need a script to do this, but they will (at least in my test) continue to print as normal.
Windows 10 Rename Printer Queue
Windows 10 Rename Printer Software
If you need to rename on all clients, I probably have or can give you a vbs login script that can set you in the right direction to do that.