
Error 8571 Sections Do Not Fit Vertically On The Page

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If you're seeing this error in your Access reports in Design view and have unnecessary blank pages when printing, here's how to correct the problem.

  1. Error 8571 Sections Do Not Fit Vertically On The Page Mean

Aug 24, 2003  rptErrReportTooTall 8571 (&H217B) Sections do not fit vertically on the page. RptErrReportTooWide 8542 (&H215E) Report width is larger than the paper width. RptErrSectDontMatchData 8570 (&H217A) Report sections do not match data source. Landscape in Latex. You define the section of your document to be set to “landscape”, e.g. A large table or figure. This will not automatically rotate the page in the PDF and is useful if the document is destined for printing. If you want to make appear the left side up, better readable on screen, the pdflscape-package will do it. ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards.


  • When your report is in Design view, you see a small green triangle in the upper left corner of the report design window.

  • When you view your report in Print Preview mode or print your report, you have unwanted extra blank pages.


Error 8571 Sections Do Not Fit Vertically On The Page Mean


One or more controls on your Access report extends past the current page width dimensions of the report.

So how do I fix it?

Error 8571 Sections Do Not Fit Vertically On The PageError 8571 Sections Do Not Fit Vertically On The Page

Do one or more of the following:

  • Reduce the width of the controls that are spilling over the defined page dimensions of your report until all controls are within the defined page width. Note that line controls might be harder to see but if they extend over the page width, you'll need to reduce the width of those line controls as well.

    Tip: If you open your report in Layout view, Access displays vertical dashed lines indicating the current page width dimensions. Using those dashed lines as guide, you'll have an easier time seeing which controls need to be moved or resized to prevent spilling over the page dimensions. Om ma sanskrit anandamayee meaning.

  • Move the controls that are spilling over the defined page dimensions of your report to different positions in your report sections until all controls are within the defined page width.

  • Increase the defined page width of your report to allow more room for controls. For more information about defining printing and page setup options, see Set print options in Access.

  • Consider switching from the default Portrait page layout to Landscape page layout to give yourself more width. In Design view or Layout view, use the options in the Page Layout group of the Page Setup tab to change from Portrait to Landscape.