Proposal Penelitian Kualitatif Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Pdf
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Contoh Proposal Skripsi Bahasa Inggris Bisa Langsung Dipakai - Berikut saya memberikan Contoh Proposal Skripsi Bahasa Inggris Bisa Langsung Dipakai untuk temen-temen yang sedang. Contoh Proposal Skripsi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Bisa Langsung Dipakai. Furchan, Arif. Pengantar Penelitian Dalam Pendidikan.
Selamat malam sahabat saya yang sedang bingung mencari judul skripsi bahasa inggris, malam ini MAKASSAR diguyur hujan seharian sampai banyak yang kebanjiran rumahnya, tapi itu bukan masalah yang kita mau bahas disini....hehhehehee.....
Okay sobat pada kesempatan ini saya ingin memposting judul skipsi yang berjumlah 224 judul, semoga ini dapat membantu teman yang sedang galau mencari judul skripsi apa yang ingin diteliti,apalagi kalau dosen sudah memaksa harus mencari judul secepat mungkin disini solusi yang tepat bagi teman-teman, tanpa panjang lebar lagi silahkan teman-teman membacanya sambil memilih yang mana yang ingin dipilih.....
- Contoh Judul Skripsi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Tentang SISWA. Skripsi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris – CORRELATION BETWEEN STUDENTS’ VOCABULARY MASTERY AND THEIR READING COMPREHENSION: A Study In Second Grade Of Junior High School.
- Contoh Judul Skripsi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris yang Mudah Dikerjakan - Proposal Skripsi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris. Berikut saya sajikan berbagai contoh judul skripsi pendidikan bahasa inggris untuk temen-temen mahasiswa tingkat akhir jurusan pendidikan bahasa inggris.
Skripsi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Total Koleksi : 224 Skripsi
1 Student’s Learning Achievement With Traditional Assessment And Portfolio Assessment. A Thesis. English Study Program Of Language And Arts Department
2 The Influence Of The Ability In Mastering Dialogue On The Achievement In Learning English To The Second Year Students At M.A.N. Magelang
3 The Effectiveness Of Teaching Vocabulary By Using Puppet At Elementary School Students (The Case Study Of The Fourth Graders Of Sdn Leteh Ii Rembang In The Academic Year Of 2007/2008)
4 A Study On Teaching English Using Games To The Eleventh Year Students Of SMK Brawijaya Kepung-Pare In 2006-2007
1 The Speech Act And Communication Strategy In Children Of 3-5 Years Old (A Case Study Of The Children Of 3-5 Years Old In Semarang)
2 Using Visual Dictionary In Teaching Vocabulary To Elementary School Students ( A Case At The Fourth Graders Of SD Negeri 06 Cendono, Kudus In The Academic Year 2006/ 2007 )
3 The Use Of Documentary Films In Bbc Vcd As Alternative Media In Improving Students’ Ability In Writing Report (An Experimental Study Of The Eleventh Graders Of SMA Negeri 2 Wonosobo In The Academic Year 2010/2011)
4 Abnormal Behavior Of John Nash In 'A Beautiful Mind: The Life Of Mathematical Genius And Nobel Laureate John Nash' By Sylvia Nasar
5 Improving Students’ Ability In Writing News Item Text By Using Old And New Information (An Experimental Research For The Tenth Grade Students Of SMA Negeri 1 Slawi In The Academic Year Of 2010/2011)
6 Motivation In Anne Emery’s Campus Melody: A Study Of The Main Character’s Effort To Achieve Her Goal
7 The Analysis On Indonesian Translated Collocations Of J.K Rowling’s Novel, “Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire”
8 Contrastive Analysis Between English And Indonesian Basic Sentence Patterns
9 Power Relation Established Between The Main Characters Of Dawson’s Creek “Dirty Dancing”
10 Strategies Used For Idiom Translation In J.K Rowling’s Novel Entitled “Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire”
11 Idiomatic Expressions Found In Emily Bronte’s Novel Wuthering Heights (An Analysis Of Their Forms And Meanings)
12 The Influence Of Emily Dickinson’s Life Background On The Concept Of Death Found In Her Poem Entitled Because I Could Not Stop For Death
13 An Analysis Of Directive Speech Acts In The Movie “The Sleeping And Beauty” A Final Project
14 The Strategies Used To Support Arguments By College Students In Speech Contest
15 Motivation In Jeanne Wakatsuki Houston Ferewell To Manzanar: A Study Of The Main Character’s Effort To Achieve Her Goals
16 Developing Student’s Narrative Writing Through Fairy Tales (An Action Research At Year VIII Of SMPN 38 Semarang In The Academic Year 2006/2007)
17 The Use Of Colored Pictures To Teach Noun Vocabulary To Elementary School Students An Action Research (The Case Of Third Year Of SD Negeri Sukorejo 02 Semarang Year 2006/ 2007)
18 Teaching Listening Comprehension To The Fourth Graders Of Elementary School Students By Using The Total Physical Response Method, A Case Of The Fourth Graders Of SDN Jinggotan Kembang Jepara In The Academic Year Of 2004 / 2005
19 Students’ Creativity And Its Relation To English Learning Achievement (A Case Study Of The Tenth Grade Students Of SMA N 1 Brebes In The Academic Year 2006/2007)
20 Outdoor Classical Music As An Alternative Media For Teaching Students In Writing Descriptive Text (A Case Of The Second Year Students Of SMA Semesta Semarang In The Academic Year Of 2006)
21 Teaching Narrative Text In Improving Writing To The Tenth Grade Students Of SMA Negeri 1 Petarukan, Pemalang
22 Teaching Narrative In Senior High School An Action Research Study For Xith Year Students In SMA 16 Semarang In The Academic Year Of 2005/2006
23 Audio Lingual Teaching As An Alternative Method In Teaching Speaking An Action Research Given To The First Year Students Of SMP Negeri 2 Pemalang In The Academic Year 2006/2007
24 The Text Structures Of Monologue Text Types Found In “Joyful English Book 1 For SMP Class VII” Published By Cv Aneka Ilmu
25 A Correlation Between Students’ Mastery Of Past Tense And Their Achievement In Writing Recount (The Case Of The Eleventh Year Students Of SMA I Weleri In The Academic Year Of 2006/2007)
26 An Error Analysis On Simple Present Tense In Descriptive Writing Made By The Eighth Year Students Of SLTP N 2 Ungaran In The Academic Year 2005/2006
27 The Use Of Short Stories To Develop Student’s Reading Comprehension Skill (An Experimental Study Of The Eight Grade Students Of SMP Negeri 4 Jepara In The Academic Year Of 2008/2009)
28 The Effectiveness Of Communicative Approach In Teaching Descriptive Text (An Experimental Study At Second Year Students Of MTs. Soebono Mantofani Jombang. Ciputat)
29 Correlation Between Students’ Motivation In Learning English And Their English Pop Quiz Results A Case Of MTs Al Asror (7th Year)
30 The Teacher’s Techniques Of Basic Questionings In English Classroom Activity
31 A Comparative Study On Writing Skill Between Students Who Use Monolingual Dictionary And Those Who Use Bilingual Dictionary (A Case Of The Tenth Year Students Of SMAN 7 Semarang In The Academic Year 2008/2009)
32 Games To Minimize The Students’ Errors In Building Sentences (Classroom Action Research Of The Seventh Grade Of SMPN 26 Semarang In The Academic Year 2004/2005)
33 The Teacher And Learner Talk In The Classroom Interaction Of Grade VIII.A SMP N 2 Cepiring Kendal
34 Teaching Names Of Object Using A Cartoon Movie Entitled “Dora The Explorer” For Sixth Grade Students Of Elementary School (A Case Study Of The Sixth Grade Students Of SD Negeri 05 Randudongkal)
35 The Use Of Chain Pictures As A Medium For Developing Students’ Writing Skill Of Narrative Texts ( A Case Of The Eighth Grade Students Of SMP Negeri 2 Rembang In The Academic Year Of 2008/2009)
36 Children Songs As Media In Teaching English Pronunciation (The Case Of Fourth Graders Of SD N 01 Sekaran Gunungpati In The Academic Year 2006/2007)
37 Common Strategic Competence Employed By Senior High School Debaters
38 Comparative Study Of The Use Of Audiovisual And Conventional Techniques In Teaching Vocabulary At Elementary School (The Case Of The Fifth Graders Of SDN Mlati Lor I Kudus In The Academic Year 2005/2006)
39 An Error Analysis Of English Voiceless Plosive Consonants [P], [T], [K] Pronounced By The Fifth Semester Students Of English Department Of Universitas Negeri Semarang In The Academic Year Of 2008/2009
40 Commmunication Strategies Among English Speakers Of Indonesia In Conversation Between The Radio Announcers And Their Participants
41 Dictation As A Testing Device Of Listening: Analysis Of Students’ Error (The Case Of The Fifth Grade Students Of Sdn Slawi Kulon 03 In The Academic Year 2006/2007)
42 Dictation As A Testing Technique In Measuring The Students’ Listening Mastery (A Case Study Of The Fifth Grade Students Of SD Negeri Wonorejo 01 Karanganyar Demak In The Academic Year Of 2006/2007)
43 Elicitation Technique Used By Teacher To Encourage Students Talk (The Case Of English Teachers Of SMAN 3 Semarang In The Academic Year 2008/2009)
44 The Role Of English Children Songs In Improving Students’ Listening Skill An Action Research At The Year Fifth Students Of SDN 4 Krajankulon Kaliwungu In The Academic Year Of 2008 / 2009
45 Students’ Ability In Pronouncing English Fricatives A Case Of The Eighth Semester Students Of The English Department Of Unnes In The Academic Year 2004/ 2005
46 The Use Of Total Physical Response (Tpr) Method In English Preposition Teaching (To The Fifth Grade Students Of The Academic Year 2006/ 2007 SDN Tajuk I Getasan Kab. Semarang)
47 An Analysis On Writing Exercises In The English Textbook For The Year Seven Of Junior High School Students Published By “Erlangga”, 2007
48 The Use Of Circle Games As A Strategy To Improve The Students’ Mastery In English Vocabulary (An Action Research In The Case Of Elementary School Students Of SDN 01 Banyumanik Semarang In The Academic Year 2007/ 2008)
49 The Use Of Short Story “Jaka Tarub” In Teaching Pronunciation Of English Vowel Sounds (A Case Study At The First Semester Of The Year Eight Students Of SMPN 15 Semarang In The Academic Year Of 2008/2009)
50 Songs To Improve The Students’ Achievement In Pronouncing English Words (An Action Research Of The Year Seventh Students Of MTs Annur Jepara In The Academic Year 2006 / 2007)
51 An Error Analysis On The Use Of Gerund Among The Fourth Semester Students Of English Department Of Unnes In The Academic Year Of 2006/2007
52 An Analysis Of Students’ Errors In Dictation As A Testing Device Of Listening: The Case Of The Fourth Grade Students Of SDN Tempuran 2 Simo Boyolali In The Academic Year 2004/2005
53 A Correlation Study Between Students Mastery Of Past Tense And Their Ability In Expressing Past Activities In Writing (A Case Of Eleventh Grade Of SMA 1 Kudus In The Academic Year 2006/ 2007)
54 Word, Above Word And Grammatical Equivalence In The Translation Of J.K. Rowling’s Novel Entitled “Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire”
55 Grammatical Errors In Dealing With Untrue (In The Present) Conditional Sentence Made By Year Eleven Students Of SMAN 2 Temanggung In The Academic Year 2005/2006
56 The Problems Of The Implementation Of Teaching Transactional / Interpersonal Dialogues Based On School Based Curriculum (KTSP) (A Case Study Of Junior High School Teachers In Teaching 2008/2009 Seventh Students In Semarang)
57 Textual Equivalence In Indonesian Translated Version Of J.K Rowling’s Novel “Harry Potter And The Half Blood Prince”
58 Power Relation In Casual Conversation Occurring In Internet Online Chatting
59 Content Validity Of The English National Writing Test For Junior High School Based On The Graduate Competence Standard Of KTSP Curriculum (The Case Study Of The National Test For Junior High School In The Academic Year Of 2007/ 2008)
60 The Use Of Language Switch And Literal Translation As Comunication Strategies By Students At Ta’mirul Islam Modern Boarding School Of Surakarta
61 The Use Of Animation Movies For Developing Students’ Writing Skill Of Narrative Texts A Case Study Of Teaching English At Eleventh Grade Students Of SMA Negeri 10 Semarang In The Academic Year Of 2006/2007
62 The Effectiveness Of Using Animal Cartoon Pictures To Improve Students’ English Narrative Texts Writing (The Case Of The 9th Grade Students Of SLTP N 2 Demak In The Academic Year Of 2008 – 2009)
63 Negotiation Strategies In Conversational Texts Displayed On “Real Time, An English Course For Junior High School 1” Published By Erlangga
64 The Use Of Nursery Rhymes To Improve Students’ Vocabulary (The Case Of The 5th Graders Of SD Negeri Gunungpati 03 In Academic Year 2005 / 2006)
65 Students’ Mastery Of Passive Voice: A Case Of Second Year Students Of SMA Negeri 11 Semarang
66 A Study Of Students’ Mastery Of Phrasal Verbs (The Case Of The Fourth Semester Students Of Regular Education Class Of English Department Of Unnes In The Academic Year Of 2006 / 2007)
67 Noun Phrase Construction Found In Report Genres In The First Year Senior High
68 Power Relation Established In “English Conversation Club (ECC) Of English Department Of Unnes
69 The Problems In Pronouncing English Fricatives (The Case Study Of The Aswaja Conversation Club Members)
70 An Analysis Of Students’ Errors In Pronouncing English Vowels (A Case Study Of The Eleventh Grade Of SMA N 1 Sigaluh Banjarnegara In The Academic Year 2006/2007)
71 Teaching English Vocabulary Using Quartet Cards Game: The Case Of Fourth Graders SDN Kebondowo 2 Ambarawa In The Academic Year 2005/2006
72 The Correlation Between Students’ Motivation And Their Achievement In Learning Reading Comprehension (A Quasi-Experimental Study At The Tenth Grade Of SMUN 2 Kudus)
73 The Students’ Mastery In Using Question Tags: A Case Of The Third Year Students Of SMP N I Grabag Magelang In The Academic Year Of 2005/2006
74 The Effect Of Using Classical Music On Students’ Motivation In Reading Comprehension (The Case Of The Year Eleven Of Sma Ibu Kartini Semarang)
75 The Correlation Between Students’ Interest And Their Achievement In Reading Short Passages (The Case Of The Year 8 the Students Of Private Junior High School MARIA GORETTI Semarang In The Academic Year Of 2008/ 2009)
76 The Grammatical Cohesion Of Reading Text Of Year Seven Junior High School Textbook “Smart Steps” Published By Ganeca Exact
77 The Use Of Literacy Approach To Teach Recount Text To The First Grade Of SMAN I Bae Kudus (In The Academic Year Of 2006-2007)
78 Register Analysis In Window On The World Senior High School Text Book
79 The Use Of English Comics To Improve Students’ Ability In Story Retelling (The Case Of 8th Year Students Of SMPN 1 Bojong Pekalongan In The Academic Year 2006/2007)
80 The Use Of Role Play To Improve Students’ Transactional And Interpersonal Speaking Skill (The Case Of The Eighth Grade Students Of SMP Negeri 2 Susukan, Banjarnegara In The Academic Year Of 2008 / 2009)
81 Teaching Procedure Written Text Of Cooking Recipe Using Sequence Pictures (An Action Research On The Seventh Degree Of Junior High School Students Of SMPN 1 Pecangaan, Jepara Regency In The Academic Year Of 2008/2009)
82 The Correlation Between Students’ Skimming Skill And Students’ Reading Comprehension An Experimental Study At The Third Grade Students Of MTs Yapim Ngeluk Penawangan Grobogan In The 2005/2006 Academic Year
83 Song As A Medium For Teaching Vocabulary In The Elementary School: A Case Study At The 4th Grade Of SD Negeri Pucungroto Magelang
84 Speech Function As A Part Of Negotiation Strategies In Conversational Texts Displayed On “Joyful English Book I For SMP Class VII” Published By Cv Aneka Ilmu
85 The Use Of Cue Cards In Teaching Spoken Descriptive Text: The Case Of Eighth Year Students Of SMP N 13 Semarang Academic Year 2006/2007
86 Generic Structure Analysis On Written Texts Found In The English Textbook For The Twelfth Year Of Senior High School Published By PT Intan Pariwara 2004
87 The Role Of Song To Teach English Vocabulary Through Listening At The Senior High School (A Case Study Of XI Year Students Of SMA Negeri I Ungaran)
88 The Use Of Cartoon Films As The Media To Teach Vocabulary To The Fourth Grade Students Of SD N Sampangan 3 Semarang
89 The Use Of Miming Stories As A Technique In Teaching Listening To Elementary School Students (The Case Of The Fifth Grade Students Of SD Negeri I Procot, Tegal In The Academic Year Of 2008/2009)
90 Technique For Teaching Speaking To Junior High School Students
91 Teaching Vocabulary Through Pictures To The Kindergarten Students ( A CaseStudy At Madinah Kid.S School Kindergarten Serpong- Tangerang)
92 Teaching Vocabulary Using Pictures As A Teaching Aid (The Case Of The Fourth Graders Of SDN II Wirosari Grobogan In The Academic Year Of 2004/2005)
93 The Use Of Pictures As Media For Teaching Writing (A Case Study At The Eleventh Grade Of SMA Negeri 3 Brebes)
94 The Use Of Small Group Discussion In Teaching Written Procedure Text (The Experimental Research At The Tenth Graders Of SMA Islam Sultan Agung 3 Semarang In The Academic Year Of 2008/2009)
95 The Relevancy Of English Textbook ‘Grow With English Book 5’ Published By Erlangga With Standards Of Contents
96 Grammatical Error Analysis In Students’ Recount Texts (The Case Of The Twelfth Year Students Of SMA N 1 Slawi, Tegal In The Academic Year Of 2006/2007)
97 Word, Above Word And Grammatical Level Equivalence In The Translation Of Nokia 2300 Manual
98 The Effect Of Using “Multi Media” VCD As Media For Teaching Vocabulary To Kindergarten Students ( The Case Study Of Panti Puruhita Kindergarten Krapyak Indah Semarang In The Academic Year Of 2008 / 2009 )
99 The Correlation Between Vocabulary Mastery And Reading Comprehension: The Case Of The Seventh Grade Students Of SMP N 13 Semarang In The Academic Year 2005/2006
100 The Correlation Between Students’ Activity In Watching English TV Programs And Student’s Vocabulary Mastery: The Case Of The Fourth Semester Student Of English Department Semarang State University
101 Factors Affecting The Vocabulary Mastery Of Year X Students Of SMU N I Slawi In The Academic Year Of 2005/2006
102 Word Puzzles As Media For Teaching Vocabulary (The Case Of The 5th Graders Of SD Muhammadiyah Jepara)
103 An Analysis Of The Students’ Errors In Writing Paragraphs A Case Of The Second Grade Students Of SMU Negeri 8 Semarang In The Academic Year Of 2004/2005
104 The Common Mistakes In Students’ Electronic Mail (E-Mail) For English Learning Purposes (A Case Of The Fourth Semester Students Of English Department Of Unnes In The Academic Year Of 2004/2005)
105 Hyperbolic Expressions As Revealing Sense Of Depression In Song Lyrics Of Evanescences Album Fallen
106 Error Analysis Of The Students. Test Results On Personal Pronouns (A Case Study In First Year Of MTs Nurul Falaah Gunung Sindur, Bogor)
107 A Model Of Good Teacher In “The Ron Clark Story” Movie Script
108 The Use Of Grammar Translation Method To Improve Students’ Mastery Of Causative Form (A Case Of The Year Eleven Students Of SMA 1 Tunjungan, Blora In The Academic Year Of 2010/2011)
109 Item Analysis On The Validity Of English Summative Test For The First Year Students (A Case Study At The First Year SMP YPPUI Ciledug Tangerang School Year 2005/2006)
110 The Correlation Between Students. Achievement In Vocabulary And Reading Ability (Case Study At The Second Year Students Of MAN II Bekasi, Academic Year 2006-2007)
111 Testing Reading Comprehension Using Cloze Tests And Cloze-Elide Tests Among The Year-10th Students Of SMAN 1 Depok In The Academic Year Of 2010/2011
112 The Use Of Beauty And The Beast Illustrated Version As Narrative Reading Material (An Experimental Study At Eighth Grade Students Of SMP Negeri 1 Mungkid In The Academic Year 2006/2007)
113 An Analysis Of Participant And Process In Recount Text Made By The Eighth Grade Students In SMP Alhuda Semarang In The Academic Year 2009/2010
114 Students’ Errors In Using Simple Present Tense In Writing Descriptive Texts The Case Of The Eighth Year Students Of SMP N 2 Brebes In The Academic Year Of 2006/2007
115 An Analysis Of Students’ Errors Dealing With Passive Voice A Case Of The Eleventh Grade Students Of Sma Pangudi Luhur Don Bosko Semarang In The Academic Year 2005/2006
116 The Teaching Of Reading Comprehension By Using A Small Group Discussion At The First Year Students Of SMP 1 Wanadadi In The Academic Year Of 2006/2007
117 The Application Of Total Physical Response In Teaching English Vocabulary To The Fourth Graders Of SD Negeri 04 Krajankulon Kaliwungu Kendal In The Academic Year Of 2006/2007
118 Using Role Play In Teaching Speaking (A Pre-Experimental Study At Islamic Junior High School Soebono Mantofani Jombang-Ciputat)
119 The Effectiveness Of Contextual Teaching And Learning In Teaching Speaking (An Experimental Study At The First Grade Students Of SMAN 1 Ciputat Academic Year 2007/2008)
120 The Effectiveness Of Music Performance To Teach English Cardinal And Ordinal Number (An Experimental Research at the Fifth Grade of SDN 01 Manggungsari Weleri Kendal in the Academic Year of 2011/2012)
121 The Effectiveness Of Teaching Listening On News Item Text Using Video (An Experimental Research at the Tenth Grade Students of MA Matholi’ul Huda Pucakwangi – Pati In the Academic Year of 2011/2012 )
122 Correlation between Frequency of Watch Movies and Vocabulary Mastery of the Se Students of MAN 1 Semarang in the Acade 2011/2012
123 The Effectiveness Of Active Learning Through “Who Is In The Class Strategy” For Teaching Speaking Descriptive Text At The Tenth Grade Students Of Ma Nu Nurul Huda Semarang In The Academic Year Of 2011/2012
124 The Influence Of Learning Major At Senior High School To The Students’ English Achievement At Their University A Study at the First Semester Students of English Language Teaching (ELT) Department of Tarbiyah Faculty at IAIN Walisongo Semarang in the Academic Year of 2011/2012
125 Developing Students’ Vocabulary Power On Past Form Through Fairy Tales (A Classroom Action Research at Eighth Grade of SMPN 23 Semarang in the Academic Year of 2010/2011)
126 Improving Students’ Vocabulary Using External Motivators In Teaching Vocabulary (A Classroom Action Research at the First Grade of SD Alam Islam Terpadu Auliya Kendal in the Academic Year of 2010/2011)
127 Multiculturalism In Traditional Pesantrens (A Case Study in Three Traditional Pesantrens in Central Java)
128 Improving Students’ Interest In Simple Past Tense Class Through Game (A Classroom Action Research with 8A students of SMP Islam Siti Sulaekha Sriwulan Sayung Demak in the Academic Year of 2010-2011)
129 The Use Of Animated Film In Teaching Of Story Retelling (An Experimental Research at the Eighth Grade Students of MTs. Husnul Khatimah Semarang the Academic Year of 2010/2011)
130 The Use Of Sketch As A Learning Aid To Improve Students’ Writing Skill In Descriptive Text (A Classroom Action Research at the 8 Th Grade of SMP H. Isriati Semarang in the Academic Year of 2010/2011)
131 THE EFFECTIVENESS OF WORD FIND PUZZLE TO TEACH COMMON NOUN FOR 5 th GRADES OF ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (An Experimental Study to the 5 th Grades of SDN 03 Tengengwetan Siwalan Pekalongan in the Academic Year of 2010/2011)
133 ENGLISH TEACHER’S CODE SWITCHING: IN THE DRIVE FOR MAXIMAL USE OF ENGLISH (A Descriptive Study of 10 the Grade English Teacher of SMAN 7 Semarang in the Academic Year of 2010/2011)
134 FACILITATING STUDENTS’ UNDERSTANDING ON DESCRIPTIVE WRITING USING MUSIC VIDEO (An Experimental Research with the Eighth Grade Students of MTs NU 01 Cepiring Kendal in the Academic Year of 2010/2011)
135 THE USE OF MATCHING GAME TO IMPROVE STUDENTS’ UNDERSTANDING ON IRREGULAR VERB OF SIMPLE PAST TENSE (An Experimental Research at the Eighth Grade Students of SMP Negeri 01 Mlonggo Jepara in the Academic Year of 2010/2011)
136 THE ENGLISH CURRICULUM IN ISLAMIC SCHOOL (A Case Study of English Curriculum Development at Madrasah Aliyah Mathali’ul Falah Kajen Margoyoso Pati in the Academic Year of 2010/2011)
137 The Effectiveness Of Teaching Speaking Hortatory Exposition Text Using Video Clip (An Experimental Research with Eleventh Grade of MAN 1 Kebumen in the Academic Year of 2010/2011)
138 The English Vocabulary Acquisition Of Second Grade Students Of Al Irsyad Islamic Elementary School Purwokerto In The Academic Year Of 2009/2010
139 Using Tic Tac Toe Game To Improve Students’ Understanding On Simple Past Tense (A Classroom Action Research at the Eighth Grade Students of MTs Nahjatus Sholihin Kragan Rembang in the Academic Year of 2010/2011)
140 Improving Student’s Understanding On Word Order To Form Simple Sentence In The Simple Present Tense Through Scrambled Word On Flashcard A Classroom Action Research With Seventh Grade of SMPN 23 Mijen Semarang in the Academic Year of 2010/2011
141 The Use Of Picture Word Inductive Model (Pwim) In Teaching Vocabulary An Experimental Research at The Seventh Grade of Madrasah Tsanawiyah Sunan Kalijaga Bawang Batang in The Academic Year of 2010/2011
142 The Use Of Realia To Improve Students’ Speaking Ability In Procedure Text (A Classroom Action Research with the Ninth Grade Students of MTs. Mathalibul Huda Mlonggo Jepara in the Academic Year of 2010/2011)
143 The Effectiveness Of Four In Row Verb Game In Teaching Past Verbs (An Experimental Research at Eighth Grade of SMP Nurul Islam Semarang in the Academic Year of 2011 / 2012)
144 The Use Of Figurative Language In Yusuf Islam’s Song Lirycs To Express Religious Values And Its Possibility As Teaching Material In English For Islamic Studies A Descriptive Research at “I Look, I See - Yusuf Islam Friends & Children”album
145 The Use Of Pictorial Story To Improve The Students’ Understanding On English Vocabulary (A Classroom Action Research with Fourth Grade of SDN 01 Mulyoharjo Jepara in the Academic Year 2010/2011)
146 Teaching Writing News Item Text Through Documentary Video At The Tenth Grade Of SMA N 1 Kaliwungu Kendal In The Academic Year Of 2010-2011
147 Types And Constructions Of Noun Phrases In The Adventure Of Sherlock Holmes And Their Teaching Approach
148 Teaching Writing Recount Text Through Movie (An Experimental Research at the Tenth Grade of SMAN 6 Semarang in the Academic Year of 2010/2011)
149 The Use Of English Children Songs As Media To Improve Students’english Vocabulary Power In Noun (A Classroom Action Research with the Fifth Grade Students of MI Miftahul Ulum Sekuro Jepara in the Academic Year of 2010/2011)
150 The Effectiveness Of Using Describing Picture To Improve Students’ Speaking Skill In Descriptive Text (An Experimental Research at the Eighth Grade Students of SMP H. Isriati Semarang in the Academic Year of 2010/2011)
151 The Effectiveness Of Portfolio As An Assessment Instrument For Student’s Writing Skill Of Procedure Text (An Experimental Study at the Tenth Grade of MA NU 03 Sunan Katong Kaliwungu Kendal in the Academic Year of 2009/2010)
152 Improving Students’ Understanding On Simple Past Tense Through Song (A Classroom Action Research with the Second Year Students of SLTP NU 04 Sunan Abinowo Kendal in Academic Year of 2010/2011)
153 The Use Of Group Investigation (GI) Method To Improve Students’ Reading Ability In Descriptive Text (A Classroom Action Research with the Eight Graders of MTs Sabilul Ulum Mayong Jepara in the Academic Yearof 2010/2011)
154 The Use Of Songs To Improve Students’ Understanding On Conditional Sentences (A Classroom Action Research with the Eleventh Graders of MA Darul Ulum Semarang in the Academic Year of 2010/2011)
155 Sex Differences In Learning English (A Comparative Study in Learning Narrative Text at Second Grade of SMA Al Muhammad Cepu Blora in the Academic Year of 2010/2011)
156 Studyon The Writingsof The First Semester Of 7 Th Grade Students Ofsmp Negeri
18 Semarang In The Academic Year 2011/2012 Based On The Writing Exercises Ofenglish In Focus,An English Textbook For Junior High School Grade VII Published By Bengawan Ilmu
157 The Effectiveness Of Using Pictures To Teach Prohibition (An experimental Research at the Seventh Grade of M. Ts. N.U. Nurul Huda Mangkang in the Academic Year of 2011/2012)
158 The Effectiveness Of Using Scrambled Pictures To Improve The Students’ Ability In Speaking Narrative Text. (An Experimental Study at the Tenth Grade Students of SMK Bhakti Kencana Subah Batang in the Academic Year of 2010/2011)
159 The Influence Of Students’ Activeness In English Language Movement Programs On Students ’ Writing Skill ( A correlation Study at the Eleventh Grade Students of MA Baitussalam Mijen, Semarang, in the Academic Year of 2009/2010)
160 Improving Students’ Writing Skill In Descriptive Text Using “The Power Of Two And Four” (A Classroom Action Research with Eighth Grade Students of MTs Irsyaduth Thullab Tedunan Wedung Demak in the Academic Year of 2010/2011)
161 The Use Of Longman Active Dictionary Software In Developing Student‟S Vocabulary Achievement (An Experimental Study with the Seventh Grade Students of MTs Darul Ulum Srikandang Bangsri, Jepara in the Academic Year of 2011- 2012)
162 The Effectiveness Of Teaching English Verbs By Using Cartoon Film (An experimental study at the second grade of SMP Negeri 18 Semarang in the academic year of 2010/2011)
163 The Use Of Song Lyrics To Improve Students’ Vocabulary Of Verb (An Experimental Research at the Eighth Grade Students of MTs Uswatun Hasanah Mangkang Semarang in the Academic Year of 2009/2010)
164 The Use Of Song Lyrics As Teaching Media To Improve Students’ Vocabulary About Animals’ Name (A Classroom Action Research with 4 th Grade of SDN 01 Sekuro Mlonggo- Jepara in the Academic Year of 2010/2011)
165 Teaching Preposition By Using Song (An Experimental Research at Eight Grade of SMP Hj.Isriati Baiturrahman Semarang in the Academic Year of 2010/2011)
166 The Use Of Peer Lesson Technique To Improve Students’ Skill In A Writing Hortatory Exposition Text (A Classroom Action Research at Eleventh Grade Students of MAS Simbang Kulon Pekalongan in the Academic Year of 2010/2011)
167 The Effectiveness Of Using A1 Speechtron As A Medium To Teach Pronunciation Of –Ed Ending Regular Verbs In The Narrative Texts (An Experimental Research atThe Tenth Graders of SMA Unggulan Nurul Islami Semarang In The Academic Year Of 2011/2012)
168 The Improving Students Ability On Phrasal Verbs Using Songs (A Classroom Action Research with the 11 th Graders of MAN Kendal In the Academic Year of 2010/2011)
169 Identifying English Grammatical Collocations Found In The Jakarta Post Newspaper And Its Contribution To Writing Course
170 Teaching and Learning Process of Speaking Skill d(A Descriptive research at the Fourth Graders of SD Hj dIsriati 1 Semarang in the Academic Year of 2010/2011)
171 The Effectiveness Of Performing Drama To Improve Students’ Pronunciation Of Affix “S” Added To Sibilant Sounds In The Simple Present Tense (An Experimental Research at the Seventh Grade Students of SMPN 23 Semarang In the Academic Year of 2010/2011)
172 Study On Teacher’s Ways Of Giving Feedback In The Class Of Writing At The 3 Rd Semester Students Of English Department Of Iain Walisongo In The Academic Year Of 2010/ 2011
173 The Effectiveness Of Using Team Word-Webbing To Increase Students’ Reading Comprehension In News Item Text (An Experimental Research at the 10 th Grade of MA Darul Amanah Sukorejo Kendal in Academic Year of 2010/2011)
174 Identifying Grammatical Errors As The Result Of Native Language Interference In Students’ Compositions (A Study at Writing III Class at ELT Department of IAIN Walisongo Semarang in the Academic Year of 2010/2011)
175 The Effectiveness Of Jigsawtechnique To Improve Students’ Reading Ability In Narrative Text (An Experimental Research at the Eleventh Grade of MAN Kendal in the Academic Year of 2010/2011)
176 The Effectiveness Of Contextual Teaching And Learning To Teach Reading Comprehension (An Experimental Study at the Eight Grade Students of MTs At- Thosari Kalirejo Ungaran Timur in Academic Year of 2010/2011)
177 The Use Of Comic Stories To Improve Students’ Vocabulary (An Experimental Study at the Eight Grade of MTs NU Ungaran in the Academic year 2010/2011)
178 Improving Students’ Understanding On Question Tag Through Matching Game (A Classroom Action Research at the Second Grade ofMTs Al Asror Gunung Pati in the Academic Year of 2010/ 2011)
179 The Effectiveness Of Teaching Simple Past Tense By Using The Medium Of English Songs (An Experimental study at the XI Grade of MAN 2 Pekalongan in the Academic Year of 2010/2011)
180 Using Snap To Improve Students’ Understanding On Tag Questions (A Classroom Action Research at the 9th Grade of SMP Negeri 31 Semarang in the Academic Year 2010/2011)
181 The Effectiveness Of Using Songs In Teaching English Articles ( An Experimental Research with the Third Graders of MIN Purwokerto in the Academic Year of 2010 / 2011 )
182 Improving Students’ Ability In Writing Procedure Text Using Realia ( A Classroom Action Research with Students of Grade VIIG at SMP N 18 Semarang In the Academic Year of 2010/2011)
183 Using Bits And Pieces Game To Improve Students’ Writing Skill On Descriptive Texts (A Classroom Action Research at the Seventh Grade of MTs Darul Mujahadah Prupuk-Margasari-Tegal in the Academic Year of 2010/2011)
184 The Analysis Of Reading Exercises In “Developing English Competencies I”, An English Textbook For Senior High School Grade X, Published By Pusat Perbukuan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional
185 Using Song Lyrics To Improve Students’ Understanding On Simple Future Tense (A Classroom Action Research at the Seventh Grade of SMPN 31 Semarang in the
186 The Use of Video Critic As A Medium of Teaching To Improve Students’ Ability in Writing Analytical exposition Text (A Classroom Action Research with Students of X1-1 of SMA Wahid Hayim Tersono Batang in The Academic Year of 2010 – 2011)
187 The Use Of Card Sortto Improve Students’ Understanding On Conditional Sentence (A Classroom Action Research at the eleventh Grade of MAN Babakan Lebaksiu Tegal in the academic year of 2010/2011)
188 An analysis of pronunciation materials and exercises in rebecca m. Dauer’s accurate english and its contribution for teaching pronunciation
189 Improving Students’ Speaking Skill Through Debate Technique (A Classroom Action Research with First Semester Students of English Language Teaching Department Tarbiyah Faculty at IAIN Walisongo Semarang in the Academic Year of 2010/2011)
190 The Effectiveness Of Using Movie In Speaking Descriptive Style Teaching (An Experimental Research at the Eighth Grade of SMP Cokroaminoto Banjarmangu Banjarnegara in the Academic Year of 2010/2011)
191 The Use Of Group Investigation To Improve Students’ Ability In Writing Skill On Analytical Exposition Text (A Classroom Action Research with 11 th Grade Students of MA Manahijul Huda Pati in the Academic Year of 2011- 2012)
192 English Language Teaching Learning In Parakan, Ngargogondo International Community Village Borobudur Magelang
193 Analysis On Listening Exercises In Look Ahead 2 (English Course Book For Senior High School Students Year Xi) Published By Erlangga
194 The Effectiveness Of Using Basic Questioning With Picture To Improve The Students’ Descriptive Writing Skill (An Experimental Research at the Seventh Grade of SMP N 31 Semarang in the Academic Year of 2011/2012)
195 The Use Of Films As Media To Improve Students’ Narrative Speaking (A Classroom Action Research at IIB Class of MTs al-Hidayah NU 03 Kendal in The Academic Year of 2010/2011)
196 Teaching English Concrete Nouns Using Pictionary Game (An Experimental Study With the Fourth Graders of SDN 01 Donowangun Talun Pekalongan in the Academic Year of 2010/2011)
197 Using Flashcard To Improve Students’ Understanding On Present Continuous Tense (An Classroom Action Research at the 7 th Grade of MTs YAMIDA Grobogan in the Academic Year of 2009/2010)
198 Content Analysis Of reading Materials In English On Skytextbook For Junior High School
199 Improving Student’s Speaking Skill Through Using Fishbowltechnique (A Classroom Action Research With Student’s Of 5b At Mi Tarbiyatul Banin Pekalongan Winong Pati In The Academic Year Of 2009/2010)
200 The Implementation Of Twenty-Question Game As A Teaching Technique To Improve Students’ Ability In Writing Descriptive Texts (A Classroom Action Research at the Eight Grade Students of MTs Subulul Ikhsan Kersana Brebes in the Academic Year of 2010/2011)
201 The Influence Of Parents’ Education Level Background To The Students’ English Learning Achievement (A Study at 7 th Grade of Junior High School 1 Limpung Batang In the Academic Year of 2010/2011)
202 A Descriptive Study On Method In Teaching Speaking At The Eighth Year Of Smp Hj. Isriati Semarang In The Academic Year Of 2010/ 2011)
203 The Cohesion Of Recount Texts In Look Ahead; English Textbook For Tenth Grade Published By Erlangga
204 The Use Of Animated Film To Improve Students’ Ability In Writing Narrative Text A Classroom Action Research At The 10 Th Grade of Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Pemalang in the Academic Year of 2010/2011
205 The Use Of Cooperative Integrated Reading And Composition (Circ) Method To Improve Students’ Ability In Composing Narrative Writing (A Classroom Action Research at the Eighth Grade Students of MTs Negeri Kudus in the Academic Year of 2010/2011)
206 Improving Students’ Understanding On Simple Present Tense By Using Teams- Games-Tournaments (TGT) (A classroom action research with (8 th A) grade students of SMP Islam Al-Khoiriyah Pemalang in the Academic Year of 2010/2011)
207 Multiple Intelligences Integrated In English Language Teaching And Learning At Sekolah Alam Ungaran (Saung) (A Descriptive Study at the Fourth Grader Student of Sekolah Alam Ungaran in the Academic Year of 2010/2011)
208 The Effectiveness Of Making A Simple Television Advertisement To Improve Students’ Motivation In Teaching Speaking Procedure Text (An Experimental Research at the Seventh Grade of SMP N 1 Wirosari Grobogan in Academic Year 2010 / 2011)
209 Improving Students` Ability In Writing Descriptive Text Through Wholesome Scattering Game (A Classroom Action Research with the 8 th Grade Students of MTs Sunan Ampel Patean Kendal in the Academic Year of 2010 / 2011)
210 The Students’ Saturation Of Doing English Student Work Sheet In The Classroom (A Comparative Study between Male and Female Students at the Eight Grade of MTs Darul Hikmah Menganti Kedung Jepara in the Academic Year of 2011/2012)
211 The Use Of “Picture Messages” To Improve Students’ Vocabulary In Concrete Noun (An Experimental Research At The Second Grade of MTs. Mafatihut Thullab An- Nawawy Surodadi Jepara in Academic Year of 2010/2011)
212 The Use Of Quiz Team Technique To Improve Students’ Understanding On Passive Voice (A Classroom Action Research at Eleventh Grade of MA Matholi’ul Huda Bugel Kedung Jepara in the Academic Year 2010/2011)
213 The Use Of Environmental Media To Improve Students’ Descriptive Text Writing (A Classroom Action Research with 8 th Grade Students of MTs Darul Ulum Putatnganten Grobogan in the Academic Year of 2011/2012)
214 The Effectiveness of Using Video to Improve Students’ Ability on Writing Spoof Text (An Experimental Research at the Eleventh Grade of MAN I Kebumen in the Academic Year of 2011/2012)
215 Using Concept Map to Improve Students' Writing Ability in Teaching Recount Texts (An Experimental Research at the Eighth Grade of SMP H. Isriati Baiturrahman Semarang in the Academic Year of 2011/2012)
216 Improving Students’ Ability In Writing News Item Text Using Video (A Classroom Action Research with the First Year Students’ of MA Manbaul Ulum Sinoman Pati in the Academic Year of 2011/2012)
217 Grammatical Error Analysis Of Speaking Of English Department Students (A Study at 2010 Speaking Class of ELT Department of IAIN Walisongo)
218 The Effectiveness Of Using Pictures To Improve Listening Comprehension Skill Of Narrative Texts (An Experimental Research at the Eighth Grade of SMP N 31 Semarang in the Academic Year of 2011/2012)
219 The Use Of Dice Game To Improve Students’ Interest In Simple Past Tense A Classroom Action Research to the 8 th Grade Students in MTs Negeri 02 Semarang in the Academic Year of 2011/2012
220 The Effectiveness Of Using Table-Chart As A Medium In Teaching Simple Future Tense (An Experimental Research with the Eighth Graders of MTs AL-ASROR Semarang in the Academic Year of 2010/2011)
A Research Proposal Designby:
Class : 5.G
Lecturer : Dr. Suhuri, M.Pd
Student RegistrationNumber 2010 111 299
Language and ArtsEducation Department
A language is considered tobe a system of communicating with other people using sounds, symbols and wordsin expressing a meaning, idea or thought. This language can be used in manyforms, primarily through oral and written communications as well as usingexpressions through body language.
Language may refer either to thespecifically human capacity for acquiring and using complex systems of communication,or to a specific instance of such a system of complex communication.
According to Brown, H.Douglas (2007:384), language is a systematic means of communicating ideas orfeelings by the use of conventionalized signs, sounds, gestures, or markshaving understood meanings.
Language is a complex,specialized skill, which develops in the child spontaneously, without consciouseffort or formal instruction, is deployed without awareness of its underlyinglogic, is qualitatively the same in every individual, and is distinct from moregeneral abilities to process information or behave intelligently. (The languageInstinct, 1994:6)
On the other hand,according to Ron Scollon (2004, p.272), wish to emphasize that, first of all,language is not something that comesin “nicely packaged units” and that it certainly is “a multiple, complex, and kaleidoscopic phenomenon.”
TeachingEnglish to the students can said tricky. Many people argue that describe the subjectmatter is very difficult because English is a foreign language inevitably becarried out under the demands of the curriculum in force in our country.
Manystudents feel confused when they want to speak English with smart fast way. Butthey were confused where to start. Does first have to master grammar,conversation, vocabulary, reading or writing?
Vocabulary is one of thelanguage aspects. The students cannot read, speak, listen, and write withoutunderstanding the meaning of words. But, by teaching vocabulary first, the students easily able to read,understand and memorize vocabulary more quickly because this is a veryeffective way.
In addition, a better way and easier toteach English, especially vocabulary to students is by using games, such asword search puzzle game. Because this game could be an alternative or variationin the methods of English teaching for teachers. With this method, studentswill not feel bored in learning English. But they will become critical andactive children in learning English.
Word search puzzlecan be designed for any educational levels, which make them an ideal learningactivity for the students.
Teaching vocabularythrough word search puzzle is not only in written activities and fun so that itwould make the students passive learners but also process of the teaching thesevocabulary at to be applied in active activities in a for of communication thestudents will be taught how memorize for a spelling test to do a word search.
Based on the abovestatements, the writer takes the title of this study as follow teachingvocabulary with the theme “fruits” through word search puzzle to the seventhgrade students of the State Junior High School 16 of Palembang.
The problem of thisstudy is to find out whether the word search puzzle is affective or not forteaching vocabulary to the seventh grade students of the State Junior HighSchool 16 of Palembang.
2.1Limitation of the Problem
This study islimited towards teaching vocabulary through word search puzzle to the seventhgrade students of the State Junior High School 16 of Palembang. The vocabularytough in the theme fruits is listed below:
- Banana6. Guava11. Pineapple
- Apple7. Kiwi12. Jackfruit
- Orange8. Melon13. Mango
- Peach9. Date14. Grape
- Cherry10. Olive15. Pear
2.2Formulation of the Problem
The formulation ofthe problem in this study is started in the following question, “Is iteffective teaching vocabulary with the theme “fruits” through word searchpuzzle to the seventh grade students of the State Junior High School 16 ofPalembang?”
3.Objective of the Research
The objective ofthis study is to find out whether it is significantly effective teachingvocabulary with the theme “fruits” through word search puzzle to the seventhgrade students of the State Junior High School 16 of Palembang.
4. Significances of the Research
By using thisstudy, there are some significance to the students, teachers, otherresearchers, and writer herself.

This study will behelpful for students in vocabulary and the students apply word search puzzle toincrease their vocabulary skills.
After knowingeffectiveness in teaching vocabulary of the word search, the teacher canimplement this method when they teaching vocabulary.
To be the source ofinformation for other researchers who are also investigating word search puzzle.
The result of thisstudy can be useful to enlarge her knowledge about teaching vocabulary throughword search puzzle.
The hypothesisisatentativeanswertotheproblem of research, untilprovenbythedata collected. (Arikunto, 2006:71)
The hypothesisis atemporaryanswerto theproblemoftheoreticalresearchthatis consideredmostlikelyorhighestlevel oftruth. Technically,the hypothesisisa statementabout thestateofthe populationto betested fortruththroughdataobtainedfromthe researchsample. Statistically, the hypothesisis a declaration ofstate ofthe parametersthatwillbetestedthrough astatisticalsample. (Margono, S,2009:67).
The hypotheses ofthe study are proposed in terms of null hypotheses (Ho) and alternativehypotheses (Ha). They are follows:
1. (Ho): It is noteffective in teaching vocabulary with the theme “fruits”
through word search puzzle to the seventhgrade students of the State
2. (Ha): It iseffective in teaching vocabulary with the theme “fruits” through
word search puzzle to the seventh gradestudents of the State Junior
In this research, thehypotheses will be tested by the critical value of t-distribution table for one tailed test. Since the degree of freedom (df) is 39(40-1=39) with 95% or 0, 05 significance level for one-tailed test, thecriteria value in the t-table is 1.684. If the result ofthe matched t-test is the same or less than 1.684, the null hypotheses (Ho) willbe accepted. On the other hand, if the result of matched t-testis equal to or exceeds 1.684, the alternative hypotheses (Ha) will be acceptedand consequently the null hypotheses (Ho) will be rejected (Hatch and Farhady,1982:272).
7.Literature Review
(1) Concept of teaching
(3) Concept of word search puzzle
(4) Teaching vocabulary through word search puzzle
According to Newton(1992: ii), teaching is a profession conducted by using a combination of art,science, and skill. It is an art because it relies on the “teacher’s creativeprovision of the best possible learning environment and activities for his/herstudents. It is a science since it is a system and ordered set ideas and methodused by the teacher in doing his/her job. Further more teaching is skill for itdemands the ability-attained from relevant theories and that they are able togain linguistic and communicative competence in the target language”.
According to Finocchiaro, 1982:5), teaching is trying to keep thestudents motivation high by using a variety of short activities-four to sixdifferent activities-within a 45-minute period cantering around the sameteaching point, whether a grammatical feature, a notion, or a function oflanguage, through the cognitive-code theory, that is, the inductivepresentation of a linguistic item or category, with tasks and activities thatwill lead to habit formation of features of pronunciation, morphology, andsyntax, which will in turn, lead to fluency and accuracy by focusing morespecifically on social communication as the major of objective of languageteaching.
Teaching is an interactive process between the teacher and studentsand among students themselves. The students need to comprehend the newlanguage, but can best do this when allowed asking about what it is they do notunderstand rather than rely on their teacher or textbook to anticipate areas ofcomprehension difficulty and simplify a priority (Pica, 1992:4)
Teaching is accompanied by evaluation to know the results ofteaching-learning activities because evaluation is a necessary component of allactivities, especially in TEFL, whose main objective is to monitor, to help,and to grade the student’s use of the language. (Oller, Jr, 1987: 21)
Teaching is showingor helping someone to learn, giving instructions; guiding; providing withknowledge; causing to know or understand. (Brown, H. Douglas, 2007:391)
7.2Concept of Vocabulary
Vocabulary is a set of LEXEMES, including single words, COMPOUND WORDS and IDIOMS (Richard, Jack: John Platt and Heidi Weber, 1985:307).
According to Hornby(1974:959), vocabulary is a total number of words which (with rules forcombining them) make up the language.
According tolexical field theory, the vocabulary of a language is essentially a dynamic andwell-integrated system of lexemes structured by relationships of meaning.(Howard Jackson, 2000: 14)
Websters (1988:110p.9) states that vocabulary is a list of words, usually arranges alphabeticallyand defined, explained, or translated.
In learningvocabulary, the learners should emphasize on the aspect of words. The successin learning a foreign language is determined by the size of vocabulary one haslearned.
7.2.1 The Important ofVocabulary
Vocabulary is very importantin language, a large number of vocabularies are so difficult to learn, and becauseof that, the teacher should use good method in teaching vocabulary. Since theteaching of English in Indonesiais aimed increasing that teaching vocabulary? The English teacher much takesdeep concern of vocabulary lesson. However, vocabulary teaching has not alwaysbeen very responsive to such problems, and the teachers have not fullyrecognised the tremendous communicative advantage in developing an extensivevocabulary.
According toWebsters (1988:9), in learning language, someone will learn the words of thatlanguage since we have learned that it is the essential area of language. Fromthe statements above, we assumed that vocabulary is a very important element ofa language.
Although there aremany techniques of teaching vocabulary. Nation (1974: 10, p.9) says, when weteach a word we must teach three things: (1) we must teach the shape or theform of the word, (2) we must teach the meaning of the word, (3) and we mustteach that the form and the meaning of the word together.
7.3Concept of Word Search Puzzle
According to Hornby (1995:947), puzzle is a thing that is difficult to understand or answer a mystery ora question or toy that is designed to test a person’s knowledge, skill,intelligence, etc.
A word search puzzle is aword game that is letters of a word in a grid that usually has a rectangular orsquare shape. The objective of this puzzle is to find and mark all the wordshidden inside the box. The words may be horizontally, vertically or diagonally.Often a list of the hidden words is provided, but more challenging puzzles maylet the player figure them out. Many word search games have a theme to whichall the hidden words are related. The puzzle it self kind to play that can beused to practice certain language features at certain phases in learningprocess in order to develop communication skill.
To success in teaching vocabulary through word search puzzle, theteacher should have different technique for different level.
Teaching vocabulary through word search puzzle enables the studentsto find out to information or guests the meaning on unfamiliar words. So, theword search puzzle can help the students. The students may be happy andinteresting in learning and they always try to know the new words from wordsearch puzzle.
Relating to the importance of teachingvocabulary through word search puzzle, as far as it is know some students arealways confused with the problem of through puzzle. In this case, there aremany ways to making the students interested in what they are learning theteacher can create a game, which the student can think about new words thatrelated with the topic of word search puzzle. Teaching vocabulary by using wordsearch puzzle make students more relax, enjoyable, happy and the studentsunderstanding the material. And also can improve their achievement.
Children without anextensive vocabulary have a hard time understanding what they’re reading,especially as they get older and reading material becomes more difficult. Tocomplicate matters, most young readers, including different learners, have alarger spoken vocabulary than a reading vocabulary. (Goodman, Lori. Wordplay,2003:13)
In this study there is one related studies,which is similar to this present study, she is written by Supriyani (2001). Thetitle of her thesis is: TEACHING ENGLISH VOCABULARY USING PUZZLE TO THE SEVENTHYEAR STUDENTS’ OF THE STATE JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL YAYASAN PEMBINA PALEMBANG. Thepurposes of her thesis are:
(1) To find outthe whether or not there are differences in vocabulary using puzzle and thestudents who are not taught without puzzle.
(2) To know howthe students’ ability in vocabulary mastery after they are taught using puzzle.
From the study above, the writercompares her research with those of Supriyani. There are similarities anddifferences between her and the writer. The similarities between the previousstudy and this study: (1) the instrument used by the previous study was thepuzzles, (2) the puzzle was used by the previous study for teaching vocabulary.This studies the experimental method for teaching vocabulary. And thedifferences are the location of the research and the samples of the research.The result of Supriyani’s thesis is teaching vocabulary through puzzle waseffective to the seventh year students’ of SMP Yayasan Pembina Palembang.
8.Research Procedure
In method and procedure focuses on the discussion of (1) Research Variables,(2) Operational Definitions, (3) Method of Research, (4) Population and Sample,(5) Techniques for collecting the Data, (6) Techniques for Analyzing Data.
There are two kinds of researchvariables. They are independent variable and dependent variable. Independentvariable is presumed to have an effect on, to influence some how anothervariable, while dependent variable is a variable that the independent variableis presumed to affect (Fraenkel and Wallen, 1990:39)
Variable is any trait that can change values from case to case.Examples of variables would be gender, age, income, or political partyaffiliation. In any specific theory, some variables will be identified ascauses and others will be identified as effects or result. In the language ofscience, the causes are called independentvariables and the “effects” or result variables are called dependent variables. (Healey, Joseph F.1999:3)
In my research variable, theindependent variable on this investigation is the word search puzzle anddependent variable is teaching vocabulary.
In this part, some important terms must be operationally defined toavoid misinterpretation and misunderstanding on what this thesis is discussingabout. They are: (1) Teaching, (2) Vocabulary, (3) Word Search Puzzle.
Teaching isactivities guiding the students learning activities, arranging, and organizingenvironment around. The students can stimulate and develop the students to learnthe turn of the teaching is a prove performed by the teacher to increasestudents learning activities.
Teachingisanactivityin whichteachersconveyknowledgeand experiencetotheir students. Thegoalisfortheknowledgepresented tostudentsthatcanbeunderstoodbylearners.
Teachingisanorganizedactivityormanagethe environmentas well-goodandconnectswith thekids, and become involved inthe learning process.
(2) Vocabulary
Vocabulary is a total number ofwords that make up language and a list or collection of wordsarranged in alphabetical order and explained; a dictionary or lexicon, eitherof a whole language, a single work or author, a branch of science, or the like;a word-book.
A vocabulary is defined as all the words known and used by aparticular person. However, the words known and used by a particular person donot constitute all the words a person is exposed to.
Wordsearchpuzzlesareagamein thesearch forthe words, eithervertically,horizontally, anddiagonally. This gamecanhelpstudentsincreasetheirvocabularyandmakethemhappyindoingsearchpuzzle gameof words.
According to Hornby (1995:780), method is the way ofdoing something. In writing this study, the writer will use the experimentaldesign. Richards, (1985:100) states that an experimental method is anapproach to educational research in which the idea of hypothesis is tested orverified by setting up situation in which relationship between different subjectsor variables can be determined.
The method used in conducting this researchis experimental method. Dealing the experimental method, Isaac and Michael(1982:54) states that is it use to approximate the conditions of the trueexperiment in a setting, which does not allow the control and/ or manipulationof all relevant variables. The following are the step taken in doing thisresearch.
2. Determining the type ofresearch to be conducted, and how it will be affect the design of the researchinvestigation.
3. Establishing clearly thegoals and objectives of the made, and the how these translate into testableresearch hypotheses.
4. Identifying the populationfrom which inferences are made, and the limitations of the sample drawn, forpurposes of the investigation.
Populationisalldatathatconcernsusinascopeandtimethatwespecify.Thus, population-related data, not human. Ifeveryhuman beingto provideadata,thenumberorsize of thepopulationwill beequalto thenumber ofhumans. (Margono, S.2009:118).
Understandingothers, mentionsthat thewholeobjectofthe studypopulationwascomposedofhumans, objects, animals,plants, symptoms, test scores, oreventsas asource ofdatathathavecertaincharacteristicsinastudy. (Hadari Nawawi,1983:141)
The population of this research in the seventh grade student of StateJunior High School 16 of Palembang in the academy year at 2009/2010. There werefive classes VII A until VII E consisted of 4 students, so the total of thanwas 200 students.
Table seventh grade students at StateJunior High School 16 of Palembang are 200 students as shown in table 1 below:
The population of the study
Class | |
1 | 40 |
VII B | |
3 | 40 |
VII D | |
5 | 40 |
Total |
(Source: State Junior High School 16 of Palembang)
Sample is any group of individual, which selected to present apopulation. (Richards,et al,1992:321)
Arikunto (1993:104)states that the sample is any number of things, people or events which are lessthan the total population. In this research, the sample of the study is dawnfrom the population by using cluster random and sampling.
AccordingtoFraenkel and Wallen (1990),sample is a group in a research study on which information is obtained. It isselected in such a way that it represents, the larger group (population) fromwhich it is obtained. In choosing the sample for the study, the writer will usecluster random sampling method. Fraenkel and Wallen state that cluster randomsampling is the selection of individuals rather that single individual. Allindividuals in a cluster are included in the sample.
In collecting the data for this study, the written test will beused. A test is any procedure for measuring ability, knowledge, or performance(Richards, et,al 1985:291). Test is given to help the students assess theeffect of experimentation and to know so far the students can understand whatthey have learned. They will be to kinds of the best that will use by thewriter. The first will be pre-test which will by given before the treatment andthe second one will by post-test which will by given after the treatment. Thetest both pre-test and post-test for the experimental group has the sameprocedure. The writer will be ask the student 20 item in the multiple choices.The student to till to blanks the boxes in the puzzle from left to right orfrom top to down using key words provide in the theme fruits.
Validity (in testing) is the degree to which a test measures what itsupposed to measure, or can be used successfully for the purposes for which itis intended. A number of different statistical procedures generally seek todetermine what the test measure, and how well it does so. (Richard, Jack: JohnPlatt and Heidi Weber, 1985:304)
The validity of a test is the degree to which it measure what itclaims to measure. A test is valid to the extent that inferences made from itare appropriate, meaningful, and useful. (Robert J. Gregory, 2004:116)
Objectives | No of Items | |
The student comprehend the words related fruits | The students are able to fill the blanks boxes with the words related to the fruits | Fill the blanks with the choose a, b, c, and d (multiple choices) to complete the sentences |
8.5.2Reliability of the Test
According to Fraenkel and Wallen (1990), reliability refers to theconsistency of the scores obtained show consistent they are for each individualfrom one administration of an instrument to another and from one set of itemsto another.
Realibility (in testing) is measure of thedegree to which a test gives consistent results. A test is said to be reliableif it gives the same results when it is given on different occasions or when itis used by different people. (Richard, et, al. 1985:243). In this study, theinternal consistency of reliability of estimated through Kuder-RichardsonReliability Coefficient. Dealing with it, Fraenkel and Wallen (1993:149) writethat, for research purpose, a useful rule is that reliability should be at lest0,70an preferably higher. A reliability of 0.70 indicates 70% consistency inthe scores and are produced by the instrument. In other words, a minimum areliability of required of should be higher. The following the Kuder-Richardsonformula: 21 (KR 21) formulas. (Fraenkel and Wallen (1993:149)
K=Numberof items in the test
SD=StandardDeviation of the set of test scores.
To find the SD the following the formula is used:
X= Student’s MeanScore
8.6Technique for Analyzingthe Data
In analysing the data collected from the test, the writer willanalyze them by using matched t-test. It will be used to knowsignificance difference between the student’s achievement in the pre-test andthat in the post-test. The formula in the matched t-test willbe as follow:
t: The value by which statisticalsignificance of the mean difference are judged
X1: Means of the students’ scores in thepost-test
SD: The Standard Errors of Differencesbetween Two Means
SD: Standard Deviation of the differences
SD: Standard Deviation of the differences

Brown, H. Douglas.2007. Principle of Language Learning and Teaching. New York:
Richard, Jack, John Platt and Heidi Weber.1985. Longman Dictionary of Applied
Linguistics. Harlow England: Longman Group Limited.
Fraenkel, Jack. R and Norman.E. Wallen. 1990. How to Design and Evaluate
Saleh, Yuslizal.1997. Methodology of TEFL in the Indonesian Context Book
I. Palembang: Faculty of Teacher Training andEducation University of
Healey, Joseph F.1999. Statistics: a Tool for Social Research. New York: Wadsworth
Hornby, A.S.1995. Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary. Oxford: Oxford
Jackson, Howard. 2000. Words, Meaning, and Vocabulary. Newyork: The Gromwell
Margono, S. 2009. Metodologi Penelitian Pendidikan. Jakarta: PT. RINEKA CIPTA
Rositasari, Tri. 1997. Increasing Students’ Vocabulary Through Quartet Game in the
FifthYear at SD Methodist 1 Palembang. Unpublished: Faculty of Teacher
Training and Education SriwijayaUniversity Indralaya.
Goodman, Lori. 2003. Wordplay. USA: McGraw-Hill Companies.
Arikunto, Suharsimi. 2006. Prosedur Penelitian: Suatu Pendekatan Praktek. Jakarta: PT. RINEKACIPTA.
Class 5A
- Background
English is aninternational language; beside that English means of communication. English hasimportant position in every aspect of the life, it is not only in education butalso in business, social, tourism, etc. the importance of English can be seenform other side. Nowadays many things have been written printed in English i.e.;magazine, newspaper, and scientific book.
In education English hasbeen chosen as one of the subject that should be mastered by the student; injunior high school, senior high school, and university level. In Indonesia teachingEnglish focus on four basic skills, namely; listening, reading, speaking andwriting.
Reading is first of all, and essentially, themechanical skill of decoding, of turning the printed symbols into the soundswhich are language (McCracken and Walcutt, 1969: 6). Of course the reason we turnthe print into sound is to get at the meaning.
According Clark and Starr (1986: 270-271) Reading is a difficultskill that takes your to master. For most of us it is skill we must continue tolearn well into our adult lives. Undoubtedly most of your best student will nothave mastered all the skill they need to because efficient, effective readers andsome of your students will be truly disabled readers.
Accordingto Harmer (1995: 6) Reading for detailed comprehension, whether. Looking fordetailed information or language, must be seen by students as something verydifferent from the reading skill mentioned above. When looking for details, weexpect students to concentrate on the minutiae of what they are reading.
According to Bartlet in Nunan (1995: 68) Discoursecomprehension is process of utilizing linguistics cues background knowledge toreconstruct meaning, these schemata important, particularly to second andforeign language learners.
In fact, many students get difficulties in comprehending the Englishreading text; getting the general information, specific information,vocabulary, grammatical, and main idea of paragraph of a text (Lusiana, 2007:2).Block in Putri(2003:11) states that there are number of causes of poorcomprehension, such as; lack of vocabulary knowledge, inappropriate readingstrategies and reading speeds, some factors associated with students (boringactivities in reading), text ( of low interest materials), situation(uncomfortable situation towards learning), and Insufficient time spent inreading. It means that the factors that cause students difficulties incomprehending the reading text, not only from the teacher strategies, text andalso the students self. The interaction between the teacher and also thestudents has influence to the students in comprehending the text, some of thereason; it may methodology that the teacher uses in teaching.
The lack of ability incomprehend the reading text, because thestudents don’t know to apply some of reading skill and they have no ability incomprehend it, such as; inability in scanning, skimming, guessing meaning fromthe context, etc. the students unable in getting the message from the text andthey will be failure in answering the question related to the text.
Based on fact above, thewriter interest to do this research entitle “The Factors That Cause Students’Difficulties in Comprehending the English Reading Text of the Eight Year Studentsof the State Junior High School 1 of Pagaralam.”
1.2. Problems
The limitation in this research is limited toward thefactors that cause students difficulties in comprehending the English readingtext of the eight year students of the State Junior High School 1 of Pagaralam.
The writer formulates the following questions:
1.What are the students’ difficulties in comprehendingthe English reading text?
2.What are the factors that cause students’ difficultiesin comprehending the English reading text?
3.What is dominantfactor that faced by students’ in comprehending the English reading text?
The objectives of this study are:
1.To find out the students’ difficulties in comprehendingthe English reading text.
2.To find out the factors that causes the student’difficulties in comprehending the English reading text.
3.To find the dominant factor that causes the students’difficulties in comprehending the English reading text.
1.Be useful for the teacher in helping their students incomprehending the English reading text after the teacher find out the factorsthat cause students difficulties in comprehend the reading text.
2.Be useful for the students to improve their ability incomprehending the English reading text and to be more active in learningEnglish.
3.It is hoped that this thesis will be useful for thenext researchers.
- Literature review
This chapter presents: 1) The concept of reading, 2) Readingskills, 3) The concept readingcomprehension, 4) The difficulties in reading comprehension, 5) The factorsthat cause students’ difficulties in comprehending the reading text, 6) Previousrelated study.
According to Elizabeth(2008:1-2) Readingis the process of constructing meaning from print and from other symbol. Reading involves not justtheprint and the illustrations, butalso readers bringing to the process their knowledge of the world and theirpast experiences. The reading process does not involve reading every single letterand that is why proofreading is so difficult: when you are very familiar withthe ideas you hardly need to read the words at all.
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Reading is interactive process---asconversation is because is both reader and writer depend on each other. Theinteraction is complicated by the fact that the writer is absent at the time ofreading; so he gets no feedback and cannot know what parts of her text willcause misunderstanding. He has to guess and shape the text accordingly, but ashe never knows who the readers will be, he will never completely succeed(Nuttal, 1996:11).
According to Rudd (1989:5) Reading is a highlycomplicated process which relies on great variety of skill, and skills is theoperative word here. Readingis vital to daily life. Not,a day goespast without reading, even if it’s only selecting the correct packet from thekitchen shelf or reading street sign.
According to McCracken and Walcutt(1969:4) Readingis to get information of some sort from the printed page. But since we getinformation in the same way from spoken language, this purposes does not definereading in a way that distinguishes it from talking.
Reading is seen as selective process takingplace between the reader and the text, in which background knowledge andvarious of language interact with information in the text to contribute to textcomprehension.
Based onexplanation above, its can be concluded that reading means a process betweenthe readers to understanding the messaging that is written from the text.
Readingskills should be taught functionally. Therefore, as you as a middle orsecondary school teacher must teach reading skill in your regular contentscourses. Besides, learning to use these skills while reading material they muststudy anyway gives students a reason for trying them. (Clark and Starr, 1981:271)
According to Cochran (1993: 12) Reading skills contents of:
a.Learning termsto English (e.g., apostrophe, adjective)
b.Learning English (literary or grammatical) meaning forcommon words (e.g., romantic, subject, act).
c.Understanding words change in meaning and pronunciation(e.g., edelweiss, croissant).
d.Understanding how new words are coined or how theyenter our language (e.g., snafu, morpheme).
a.Selecting significance details, classifyingconvergently, formulating main ideas.
c.Recognizing sequence
d.Inferring time, place, mood, motive of characters
f.Responding to imagery
h.Distinguishing between fact and literary devices
According to Inmon and Lenier(1992:156-157) There arefour basic types of reading: study reading, rapid reading, skimming, and scanning.Each type suited to a particular type of reading material and reading purpose,and each should be practiced at different speeds.
1.Study readingon difficult textbook or technical material when your purpose is thorough understandingand/or memorization. study reading rates usually do not exceed 250 words perminute.
2.Rapid reading should be used when yourpurpose is to get a general idea of what you read and when the material is notextremely complicated. types. types of material suitable for rapid reading includenewspapers, magazines, novels, and light nonfiction.
3.Skimming isquickly looking over a selection to get the general idea rather than readingevery word. it is used (1) when surveying a chapter or article, (2) when allyou need is a general overview, and (3) when reviewing something you once read torefresh your memory. to give you an example of skimming, we have emphasizedsome words, in the following article.
4.Scanning islocating specific information, such as a name, a place, or a date. For example,when you look up something in the dictionary or in the telephone book, you arescanning. you run your eyes over the page and read only the information surroundingwhat you are looking for. You may also use scanning in textbooks-for example,when you particular name or date in a chapter.
2.3. The Concept of Comprehension
Comprehension is understanding the meaning of what isthe read from the print, illustrations, layout and design (Elizabeth, 2008:190). Stop think for amoment. You are probably a very proficient reader, and proficient readers takecomprehension for granted. As you read this book the written symbols createmeaning. When you comprehend the words, does this mean that you are makingthat you are making a mental image of theinformation in the words? Does comprehension depend on decoding and pronouncingthe words on the pages? Comprehension is both of these things.
According to Elizabeth(2008:190) is the act simultaneouslyand constructing meaning from thetext. Students have to extract meaning from the printed words on the page byworking out how printoperates torepresent words. They also need to build new meanings by integrating new ideaswith old information. In doing this , they are constructing meanings.
According to Hornby in Lusiana (2007:10) readingcomprehension means reading with the power of understanding of the printedsymbols.
Readingcomprehension is the goal instruction in reading and recognition is a means tohelp achieve that goal( Choate, 1995:153).
According to Bartlet in Nunan (1995:68), discoursecomprehension involves a transaction of utilizing linguistic cues andbackground knowledge to reconstruct meaning, these schemata are extremelyimportant, particularly to secondtosecond and foreign language.
According to Abdulaziz and Stover (1989:11-12) students can perform theirown calculations and keep their own chart in reading comprehension skill.
1.Main idea A multiple-choice main idea exercise followseach reading. Stunts are required to distinguish a statement of the main ideafrom other statement of the main idea from other statement that are true aboutthe reading.
2.Comprehension questions The comprehension questions aremeans to test student’s understanding.
3.Using new vocabulary Questions on new vocabulary wordsare intended to lead the student through the reading idea by idea and new wordby new word.
4.Additional reading This reading usually includes onlyone quick exercise to test comprehension. I is not a timed reading and is notreading and is not meant for extensive analysis.
According to Richards ,et al in Jaya(2005:9) states thatreader’s purposes in reading and the types of reading used referred to:
1.Literalcomprehension, where reading in order to understand, remembers, or recallthe information explicitly contained contained in a passage.
2.Inferentialcomprehension, where reading in order to find information, which is notexplicitly stated in a passage, using the readers’ experience and institution,and by inferring.
3.Critical orevaluation comprehension, where in order to compare information in apassage with the readers’ own knowledge and values.
4.Appreciativecomprehension, where reading in order to gain an emotional or other kind ofvalued response from a passage.
According to Wagman (1984:95)Comprehension, or understanding what has been decoded, in the essence ofreading. A reader’s ability to comprehend is built on aptitude in associatingmeaning with printed symbols and relating these meanings to personal languagepatterns and personal experience. When decoded symbols produce familiarconcepts, the reader’s ability to understand the author’s message is greatlyenhanced.
According to Edna Wagman(1984:95) Much greater difficulty in measuring comprehension is apparent whenone tries to evaluate the reader’s understanding in the more intangible areasof critical reading and thinking, judging, evaluating, or applyingunderstanding gained from the printed page.
According to Perera (1894:274 ), there are types ofdifficulty in reading comprehension, they are:
1.illegible handwriting, print that is blurred oruncomfortably small, or lack of contrast between the words and the background.
2.when the subject matter is outside the reader’sknowledge and experience. In this case, it is possible for all the words of thetext to be understood but for the whole not to make sense.
3.presented by unfamiliar vocabulary. Some of the bookwritten for junior school pupils, contains several words which are unlikely tobe known by young children.
4.there may be grammatical difficulties in the text.
5.they overall of discourse organization may be unclearor unfamiliar.
According to Burgmeier, Eldred, and Zimmerman(1991)the difficulty of readingcomprehension can divide; establishing a context, understanding words, puttingwords into sentence, and the last using word in context.
According to Cutler (1993:2) for faster reading withcomprehension, you certainly should be able to make reading and study time amore meaningful valuable, productive, and enjoyable experience.
In Jaya (2005:25) foundthat the students’ difficulties in comprehending the reading text, they are;Vocabulary, Grammatical structure, Literal comprehension, Inferential comprehension,applied comprehension, Critical reading, and Format of reading text.
According to Markstein(1981: 6) Comprehensive word or phrase related to the reading write it on thechalkboard, and then ask the students to freely associate any words that come tomind until there are perhaps 30 to 40 words phrases on the board.
2.5 The Factors that causes Students’Difficulties in Comprehend the ReadingText.
Proposal Penelitian Kualitatif Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Pdf Format
According to Block in Putri (2003:11) states thatthere are number of causes poor comprehension such as; lack of vocabularyknowledge, inappropriate reading strategies and reading speeds, some factorassociated with students boring activities in reading), text(of low interestmaterials), situation(uncomfortable situation towards learning), and insufficienttime spent in reading.
According to Latulippe (20-21) there are two groups ofwords that give problems to students of a second language: references and connectives.
1.References.References are words or phrases that are used as substitutes for words or phrasesused either before or (less often) after the reference in the reading material.They are used to avoid unnecessary repetition of words or phrases.
2.Connectives.Connectives are words that are used to link (connect) ideas together in somekind of relationship. Connectives can be used to signal a cause-expected resultrelationship in which the result follows logically from the cause.
Puspita in Jaya (2005:18 fount that many difficultiesin comprehending reading text:
1.The lack of competence to find out the main idea andspecific idea in the reading text.
2.The lack of ability to predict the meaning of words inthe reading texts and students has limited vocabulary.
3.The lack of students abilities to discriminate ordifferent between noun and adjective. The students less comprehends in grammarof reading text.
4.The lack of background knowledge about the readingtext.
There are five reasons that causes the students faultin reading (Nuttal, 1996:35), they are:
Perhaps you expected them not to succeed; negativeexpectations are easily detected and are known to influence student performanceadversely.
Perhaps the task were at fault: too difficult, of thepoint or boring.
Did you use the task to promote learning (not just totest), by providing ‘Scaffolding’, to help students to develop their capacityto interpret. Some of the steps you can take in roughly the sequence in whichyou would use them in class are the following:
ØEncouraging: urging students to have try,praising them for what they get right, not blaming them for what they get wrongbut using it to help them improve
ØPrompting: Helping students complete theoriginal task by giving cues, asking easier questions, setting supplementarytasks.
ØProbing: finding out way a students has given aparticular answer, so that if need be you can help him to see where he wentwrong.
ØModeling: demonstrating appropriate ways ofdoing thing so that the students will understand what is wanted.
Expecting too much too soon, students accustomed to apassive role must be gently eased into active participation, and required onlygradually to take responsibility for their reading.
In this research the writer will be investigated thefactors that6 cause the students’ difficulties in comprehending the Englishreading text, such as: (1) Factor from the teacher; inappropriate readingstrategies, the method in explaining the reading skills towards to students,and time . (2) Factor from the students; lack of vocabulary knowledge,situation, students’ attitude. (3) Factor from the text; unsuitable readingtext, unfamiliar vocabulary, grammatical in text.
2.6. Previous Related Study
In this research the writer also describes theprevious studies. The previous studies here are by Putra Jaya and Septi UPutri. Jaya’s title is difficulties comprehending reading text faced by thirdyear ofthe State Senior High School 6of Bengkulu. And Putri’s title is the factors that cause students’ difficultiesin reading text in the second year at the Vocational State Senior High school of 1Bengkulu.
Both of these have similarity and differences towardthis research that will be done by the writer. The similarity is both studiestalking about the students problem in reading subject.
The differences is that the writer try to find out thefactors that cause students’ difficulties in comprehending the English readingtext, meanwhile Jaya’s thesis try to find out the difficulties comprehendingreading text faced by third year of the State Senior High School 6 of studentsBengkulu. The results of Jaya’s thesis are the students got difficulties incomprehending the reading material because of lack of vocabulary. Based on hisinvestigation, he found that students got difficulties in critical reading,applied comprehension , inferential comprehension, literal comprehension,grammatical structure, and efficient reading.
The second thesis by Putri, she found that the factorsin reading text are vocabulary factors, grammar factors, and the whole a textfactors.
This chapter presents:The method of research, 2) Operational definition, 3) The populationamid sample, 4) The technique for collecting the data, 5) Validity andReliability, and 6) The technique for analyzing the data.
The method that will be used in this research is descriptivemethod. Where the date describe objectivelyor based on the fact. This method will be used because the writer wants todescribe the factors that cause students’ difficulties in comprehending theEnglish reading text of the eight year students of the State Junior High School1 of Pagaralam. Gay (1976:189) states that descriptive involves collecting datein order to test hypothesis or answer concerning the current status of thesubject of the study.
The title of this research is “ The Factors That CausesStudents difficulties in Comprehending the English Reading Text of the StateJunior High School 1 of Pagaralam.” To avoid misunderstanding about terms, thewriter defines them, they are: factors, cause, difficulty, comprehend, andEnglish reading text.
1.Factors are causes that influences somebody orsomething that include in learningprocess, such as vocabulary, grammar, and text.
2.Cause in person or thing that makes something happen.
3.Difficulty issomething difficult, hard to do or understand.
4.Comprehend refers to understand fully; the mind’s actor power of understanding.
5.English reading text refer to all kinds of readingmaterial that used by the students in learning process; e.g., text bookpassage, worksheet questions, short stories, interest artifices, etc.
3.3. The Population and Sample
Accordingto Fraenkel and Wallen(1990:84) states that the population refers to all themembers of particular group. It is the group. It is group of interest to theresearcher, the group of whom the researcher would like to generalize theresult of a study. The population of the research is the eight year students ofthe State Junior High School 1 of Pagaralam in academic year 2010/2011. thetotal number of students is 152 students and from 4 classes.
No | Total |
8.A | |
2 | 38 |
8.C | |
4 | 152 |
(Source: State Junior High School 1 ofPagaralam in academic year 2010-2011)
3.3.2. The Sample
Sample is any group of individuals on when informationis obtained (Fraenkel and Wallen, 1990). Arikunto (2006:134) says that if thesamples are less than 100, take all the sample. And if the sample more than100, take 10-15% or 20-25% or more. Depend on the researcher ability in time,energy and find.
In this research, the writer will use cluster randomsampling, where the sample will be chosen as group rather than individuals. Indetermine the sample; the writer will do the following steps:
a.Writer the name of the four classes in piece of paper.
c.Put the four papers in the glass.
Classes | |
1 | 38 |
3.4. The Technique for Collectingthe Data
In collecting the data, writer will use test, andquestionnaire.
Test is examination or find the it quality, value,composition, etc; trial or examination of something, his powers, knowledge, skills,etc (Hornby, 1955:1233). The writer will give written test about readingcomprehension to the students, and it will be used to measure the students’difficulties in comprehending the English reading txt. The test consist of 20multiple choice questions and it consist of six reading skills, they are:
2.Detailed information
4.Specific main idea
6.Guessing the meaning of words based on the context.
Questiannaire is written or printed list of questionsto be answered by a group of people, especially to get facts or information, orfor a survey (Hornby, 1955:1952).
Questionnaire will be used to know the factors thatstudents difficulties in comprehending the English reading text. The students’questionnaire consist of 20 questions, and the questionnaire write in Indonesia.
3.5.1. Validity
Validity is the most important idea to consider whenpreparing or selecting an instrument for use ( Fraenkel and Wallen:127). Itwill be used to the check the validity of test materials.
In this research the writer will ask to the teacherand consult to the advisor to get suggestion, advice, and correction in givingthe test and questionnaire to the students.
No | Number of test items |
Specific information | |
2 | 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 14 |
Gist idea | |
4 | 20 |
Detailed main idea | |
6 | 7, 8, 15, 17 |
3.5.2. Reliability
Reliability refers to the consistency of the scoresobtained—how consistent they are for each individual from one administration ofan instrument to another and from one set of items to another (Fraenkel andWallen, 1990:133).
In this research the writer will be usedKR21(Kurder-Richardson 21) formula to measure reliability of the test items.The following is the Kurder –Richardson 21(KR21) formula.
KR 21 =
KR21=Kurder Richardson reliability coefficient
M=Mean of the set of the score
SD= Standard deviations of theset of the scores
= Mean of the scores
3.6. The Technique for Analyzingthe data
In analyzing the data, the writers will do thefollowing step:
1.The writer collect the student’s paper after thestudents have answered the questions.
3.Grouping the wrong answer of the students.
4.Compute the average percent of the students’ score incomprehending the reading text. In this research the writer will use thefollowing formula:
P= Percentage
N= Totalnumber of item
3.6.2. Questionnaire
The data from the student response to the questionnairewill be analyzed by using percentage. In order to get percentage scores, thetotal of the students’ choices is divided by the total number of samplestudents and multiplied by 100%(Lusiana, 2007:24).
If the students’ response give “yes” answer is equalor more than 50%, it means the items might causes the difficulties.
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