
How To Make Starbound Run Faster

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  2. How To Make Starbound Run Faster 2

I thought I would run this here, as the conventional solutions (disable Steam overlay, run without Steam, etcetera) have been ineffective, or in one case seemed to make it even worse.

Starbound is still in beta, but I really enjoy playing it. I run Cinnamon on Ubuntu 14.04 on a 64-bit linux kernel. I have 3GB of RAM, a 3 GHz processor, and a GeForce GT610 graphics card with 2GB VRAM and external cooling (core temperature never rises above 50°C). All the same, the whole program will bog down to 4-10 FPS, pretty frequently.

In your Steam library with Starbound selected, right click on Starbound and select properties. Click the Local Files tab and then choose to Browse Local Files. This will open a file browser at this location: Steam Install Directory steamapps common Starbound. Steam Install Directory refers to where you installed Steam. In case if you have problems with low FPS or you have some lag issues in Starbound we present the workaround that will work without any errors in future. Close Starbound and exit Steam. Open steam folder for unchecking compatibility mod of Steam.exe file in options. In command prompt open “run” window to type there “regedit”. Before we run the server, you will want to run the server in 'screen' so that the server won't shut down when you close your SSH client: screen -S starbound Then you can run the server./launchstarboundserver.sh You can exit the 'screen' session by hitting CTRL+a then push 'd' on your keyboard.

The nature of the slowdowns makes me think that it might be an inefficiency in buffering data to the graphics card, or something in the drawing algorithm; but I can't be sure. I have zero interest in running it on Windows. Has anyone resolved this issue for a similar platform, and would you explain how?

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Michael Eric OberlinMichael Eric Oberlin

1 Answer

Know what, I think I just found my solution, via saintcyre at http://www.reddit.com/r/starbound/comments/1v81mb/slow_or_laggy_starbound_fix_i_got_120fps/ .

The fix, summarily, involves changing starbound.config
(located at ~/.steam/steam/SteamApps/Common/Starbound/).
I went ahead and altered the file, with the following modifications:

  • 'maxFrameSkip' to '1'
  • 'renderPreSleepRemainder' to '1'
  • 'renderSleep' to 'false'
  • 'vsync' to 'false'
  • 'waitForUpdate' to 'false'

As a result, it seems to have done the job. The only slowdowns I now get are rather moderate and they seem to primarily be when the game is loading a planet. It's lightning fast now, so bravo!

I was a little curious about how applicable all of these options would be, as he's running it on Windows 7, not Ubuntu 14.04. Some of them may have been unnecessary on my system. I also strongly recommend backing up starbound.config as starbound.config.bak before you make any changes, just for the sake of having a fallback plan. Messing with .config files can also seriously break a program.

Additonal:I've also discovered that a current bug on Cinnamon causes sudden and inexplicable brief freezes in video rendering. I'm using version 2.2, and it has yet to be corrected. Aside from affecting video, it also shows up in SDL apps, like Starbound. If this is the case, I suggest switching to a different desktop environment until the bug is fixed. (Maté works great.)

Michael Eric OberlinMichael Eric Oberlin

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Yup the title includes the word beta, that’s because it’s really not very far off now.

I wanted to provide some info on exactly how we’re going to run the beta and what you can expect if you choose to take part.

The beta will come in 3 main stages.


Stage 1 will be move at a breakneck speed. This will be the buggiest and busiest stage of the beta. A bunch of unfinished features will be disabled whilst we finish them up. Updates will come thick and fast, sometimes as often as multiple updates a day.

If you choose to take part during stage 1 you should expect bugs, lots of balance changes, you shouldn’t get too attached to your character or universe as we may make changes that require you to start from scratch. You should expect the game to be broken at points as we make sweeping changes but you’ll get to enjoy exciting new content added constantly. The engine won’t optimized during this stage of the beta so performance could be poor on some low end machines.

You’ll get to see a bunch of ‘behind the scenes’ content at this stage and provide feedback during this crucial period.

DOtake part in this stage if:

– You enjoy testing buggy and unfinished code

– You enjoy providing feedback

– You want to leave your mark on the game

– You just can’t wait any longer


DO NOT take part in this stage if:

– Bugs infuriate you

– You don’t like spoilers

– You can’t stand losing your save

– You want the full Starbound ‘experience’ the first time you play.


Stage 2 will be largely feature complete. You’ll still find the odd bug but they’re unlikely to be game breaking and the chance of you losing your character or save is minimal. The main quest line won’t be in yet but the sandbox experience will be near complete. All sectors of the galaxy will be available including sector X (End game content). Much of the focus in this stage will be on bug fixing, optimization and balance.

DO take part in this stage if:

– You enjoy reporting bugs/bughunting

– You have a low spec computer and want to make sure the game is optimized for it

– You want a complete sandbox experience

– You tried to wait a bit longer but failed

DO NOTtake part in this stage if:

– You want to play through the main quest line

– You want to be a Novakid


Stage 3 is largely about prepping for v1.0, this means finishing up the main quest line and implementing the post beta content. i.e. the Novakids, fossils. By the time stage 3 is complete Starbound should be ready to launch as a finished game. Worry not however, we plan to keep adding new content for at least a year after release, perhaps a lot longer.

DO take part in this stage if:

How To Make Starbound Run Faster Free

– You want to give feedback on what will become the finished game

DO NOT take part in this stage if:

– You’d rather wait a litttttle bit longer and play the polished final version

How To Make Starbound Run Faster 2

– You’re still busy playing Pokémon X/Y


So it won’t be too long now guys, I just wanted to clue you in on what we’re planning. We’re all pushing as hard as we can to start this up as soon as possible.