
Enterprise Architect Cracked Version

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Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect
Developer(s)Sparx Systems
Stable release
14.1 Build 1427
Operating systemWindows, Linux via Wine, macOS via CrossOver
Available inEnglish, German, Japanese, Spanish, Chinese , French
TypeSoftware modeling, software development, business process modelling

Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect is a visual modeling and design tool based on the OMGUML. The platform supports: the design and construction of software systems; modeling business processes; and modeling industry based domains. It is used by businesses and organizations to not only model the architecture of their systems, but to process the implementation of these models across the full application development life-cycle.

Enterprise Architect 14.1 Crack With License Key Full Version Free Download LATEST Enterprise Architect 14 Crack With Keygen! Enterprise Architect 14 Crack With Serial Key is an extraordinary tool which gives you the high-end capabilities and a rich set of features for managing information and innovation environment.

  • 5General features


Systems modeling using UML provides a basis for modeling all aspects of organizational architecture, along with the ability to provide a foundation for designing and implementing new systems or changing existing systems. The aspects that can be covered by this type of modeling range from laying out organizational or systems architectures, business process reengineering, business analysis, and service-oriented architectures and web modeling,[1][2] through to application and database design and re-engineering, and development of embedded systems.[3]Along with system modeling, Enterprise Architect covers the core aspects of the application development life-cycle, from requirements management through to design, construction, testing and maintenance phases, with support for traceability, project management and change control of these processes, as well as, facilities for model driven development of application code using an internal integrated-development platform.

The user base ranges from programmers and business analysts through to enterprise architects, in organizations ranging from small developer companies, multi-national corporations and government organizations through to international industry standards bodies.[4][5][6]Sparx Systems initially released Enterprise Architect in 2000. Originally designed as a UML modeling tool for modeling UML 1.1, the product has evolved to include other OMG UML specifications 1.3, 2.0, 2.1, 2.3, 2.4.1 and 2.5.


Enterprise Architect supports a range of open industry standards for designing and modeling software and business systems. The following are the core standards supported:

  • UML 2.5
  • SysML 1.5
  • BPMN 2.0
  • ArchiMate 3.0
  • Geography Markup Language (GML)
  • ODM, OWL and RDF
  • Enterprise Integration Patterns (EIP)

Enterprise Architect also supports industry Frameworks such as:

  • TOGAF (including FEAF)
  • UAF - UPDM framework that supports DoDAF,[7]MODAF and NAF

Enterprise Architect supported Frameworks supplied by industry bodies:

Supports the core service-oriented architectures:

  • SoaML[8][9]
  • Service-Oriented Modeling Framework (SOMF) - Enterprise-Level Architecture[10]

Along with Round Trip engineering of WSDL, XSD used to facilitate BPEL generation.

Standards development[edit]

Models published by industry standards development bodies using Enterprise Architect include:

  • Aeronautical Information Exchange Model (AIXM),[11] Flight Information Exchange Model (FIXM),[12] ICAO Weather Information Exchange Model (IWXXM)[13]
  • International Air Transport Association IATA
  • Telecommunications framework Business Process Framework (eTOM) and TAM[14]
  • AUTomotive Open System ARchitecture AUTOSAR[15][16]
  • GENIVI Alliance automotive industry alliance involved in developing In-Vehicle Infotainment (IVI)
  • TRAK Transport framework for systems engineers based on MODAF[17][18]
  • Datex II specifications for exchanging traffic information Datex2[19]
  • Geoscience Markup Language GeoSciML[20]
  • Geospatial Interoperability Specification ISO/TC 211[21]
  • ArcGIS Pipeline Data Model (APDM)[22]
  • International Defence Enterprise Architecture Specification IDEAS Group[23]
  • Smartgrid Common Information Model (electricity) (IEC CIM)[24]
  • HL7 - International standard for transferring data between Hospital information systems Health Level 7[25] EHR-S FIM [26]
  • caBIG Cancer Biomedical Informatics Grid[27]
  • BRIDG Biomedical Research Integrated Domain Group[28]
  • UN/CEFACT's Modeling Methodology for UN/CEFACT[29][30]
  • UnifiedPOS managed by Association for Retail Technology Standards (ARTS)


Underlying UML modeling are several key aspects that most modeling tools support. The core aspects supported by Enterprise Architect include:

  • Patterns
  • MDA[31][32] Transforms
  • Corba IDL[33]

UML Validation can be run against the model.[34]

General features[edit]

Requirements management[edit]

The common features of Requirements Management supported by Enterprise Architect include customization of how requirements are documented, linking requirements to the design and implementation details, and providing Requirement Traceability through the design and construction phases.[35] These requirements can be subject to change management, workflow processing,[36] baseline comparison and auditing.[37]

Business modeling and analysis[edit]

Enterprise Architect supports a number of methods of modeling business processes using UML as the foundation modeling language. The core languages for business modeling and analysis include BPMN and BPEL, along with various historic profiles.[38]Enterprise Architect also supports the definition of Business Rules with the ability to generate executable code from these rules.[39] Business modeling can be combined with Gap analysis to view potential gaps in proposed solutions.


Model simulation is supported for:[40]

  • Behavioral Diagrams:
    • State Machines
    • Interaction (Sequence diagrams)
    • Activities
Execution flow is defined using Triggers, Guards and Effects. The simulation supports re-runs with alteration to the triggered events and supports viewing variables, the call stack and setting debug markers. There is also support for interaction with emulated User-Interface screens containing common UI fields.
  • BPMN Diagrams:
Using BPSim - BPMN models can be simulated creating tabulated results for analysis.
Supports Monte Carlo probability based simulations.
  • SysML Parametric Simulation:
Using Open Modelica, mathematical formulas in SysML Blocks and Parametric Blocks can be simulated for plotting graphs used in analysis.
  • DMN Simulation
DMN fact and rule based models can be simulated and code generated from the models for reuse. The simulation supports interaction between DMN models and BPMN models using BPSim.

System development[edit]

In line with the Model Driven design principles Enterprise Architect supports MDA transforms of PIM Class structures to PSM Class structures, Round-trip engineering of code for 10 software languages and several key embedded HDL systems languages (Ada, VHDL and Verilog). It also supports code generation from Behavioral models.[41]

Languages supported:

  • C# (for both .NET 1.1 and .NET 2.0)
  • C++(standard, plus .NET managed C++ extensions)
  • Java (including Java 1.5, Aspects and Generics)

In accordance with Model Driven Development principles, Enterprise Architect provides an Integrated Development Environment that supports code editing (with Syntax highlighting and Intellisense), for Building, Debugging and Code Testing all from within the model.[42]Compilers and interpreters supported:

  • Microsoft Windows Native C
  • Microsoft Windows Native C++
  • Microsoft Windows Visual Basic
  • Microsoft .NET Family (C#, J#, VB)
  • Sun Microsystems Java.
  • PHP
  • GNU Compilers for C++, C and Ada (GCC & GDB )

Add-ins are available for integration with MS Visual Studio and Eclipse.


Wireframe modeling supports using templates for modeling the appearance of dialogs presented to users when interacting with an application. The supported device dialogs include:

  • Screen Dialogs
  • Webpages - to model how the web pages work
  • Android Phones and Tablets
  • Apple iPhones and Tablets
  • Windows 8.1 Phones

Test management[edit]

For code based testing there is support for:

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  • xUnit Testing
This involves MDA transformation of Classes to NUnit or Junit Classes with the ability to generate unit tests from the model and automatically record the results against the tested Classes.[43]
  • Testpoint testing
This is a model based code testing. It is parallel to test contracts defined in ‘Design by Contract’ and it runs using debug definitions.[44]

Both of these methods support the test definitions and test results being logged against related Classes in the model.

Visual execution analysis[edit]

Integrated with building and debugging code Enterprise Architect allows the developer to perform abstract analysis of the software using Profiling and Sequence diagram generation:

  • Sequence diagram generation provides a means to analyze the general process flow and iron out inconsistencies [45]
  • Profiling summarizes, by thread and routine, the code's general efficiency [46]

System engineering[edit]

System Engineering is supported with SysML 1.4 modeling which can be coupled with executable code generation.SysML supports modeling from requirement definition and system composition using SysML Blocks and Parts, through to parametric model simulation.[47] The executable code generation supports embedded HDL system languages (Ada, VHDL and Verilog), or it can be coupled with behavioral code generation of the standard code languages defined above.

Data modeling[edit]

Enterprise Architect supports Data Modeling from the Conceptual to Physical levels, Forward and Reverse Engineering of Database Schemas,[48] and MDA transformation of the Logical (platform independent) to Physical DBMS(platform dependant).[49]Diagram types supported include:

  • DDL notation
  • ERD notation
  • IDEF1X notation
  • Information Engineering notation

Supported DBMSs:

  • Firebird/InterBase
  • MS Access 97, 2000, 2003, 2007, 2013
  • MS SQL Server, all editions from 2005 including Express and Azure
  • Oracle from 9i (all editions)
  • Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere (Sybase ASA)

Project management[edit]

Features supporting project management include:

  • Resource Allocation and tracking using Gantt charts
  • Kanban diagrams
  • Event Logging using model calendars
  • Workflow scripting for setting workflow processes
  • Security
  • Model Metrics

Enterprise Architect Cracked Version Torrent

Change management[edit]


The key facilities supporting change management are:

  • Auditing[50]
  • Baseline Difference and Merge[51]
  • Version Control[52]

The auditing feature supports logging changes to the model.The Baseline Management feature allows snapshots of parts of a model to be created periodically. A baseline can be compared and merged with the current model or a branch of that model. This supports Branching model information to another repository, then adding updates and merging them back.

The Version Control interface supports the major version control applications:

  • SCC interface to any SCC compatible version control system.

Integration with other tools[edit]

Features that support integration with other tools include:

  • XMI Import/Export: Supports the XMI 1.1, 1.2 and 2.1 specifications (and import of .emx and Rhapsody files)
  • Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration (OSLC)
  • CSV Import/Export
  • ArchiMate Open Exchange Format Import / Export (from version 13)
  • Automation interface – supports a comprehensive API for use with any COM based language (and Java).

Among the Add-ins available are interfaces to VS .Net and Eclipse, Microsoft Office and DOORS, along with third party add-ins for interfacing with the likes of Jira.

See also[edit]


  1. ^Frank Truyen. 'Enacting the Service Oriented Modeling Framework (SOMF) using Enterprise Architect'(PDF). Cephas.
  2. ^Doug Rosenberg. 'Service Oriented Architecture Roadmap'. Iconix.
  3. ^Doug Rosenberg. 'Embedded Systems Development using SysML'. Iconix.
  4. ^Simon Cox; Nicholas Ardlie. 'Geoscience Australia and CSIRO Developing the GeoSciML interoperability standard with Enterprise Architect'(PDF). Sparx Systems.
  5. ^Pavel Golodoniuc; Simon Cox. 'Modeling for interoperable geospatial Information using the ISO 19100'(PDF). CSIRO.
  6. ^'Safety Standards Online'. www.safetyonline.com.
  7. ^'DM2 Model'. IDEAS.
  8. ^'SoaML'. Sparx Systems.
  9. ^Doug Rosenberg. 'Service Oriented Architecture'(PDF). Iconix.
  10. ^'SOMF'. Sparx Systems.
  11. ^'Aeronautical Information Exchange Model (AIXM)'. Eurocontrol and FAA.
  12. ^'FIXM'. FIXM.
  13. ^IWXXM
  14. ^SmartTrek. 'ICT Reference Models'. SmartTrek.
  16. ^LieberLieber. 'LieberLieber AUTOSAR Engineer'. LieberLieber.
  17. ^Nic Plum. 'Implementing TRACK in Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect'. INCOSE.
  18. ^'MDG Technology for TRAK'. INCOSE.
  19. ^'DATEX II v2.0 SCHEMA GENERATION TOOL GUIDE'(PDF). European Commission - Directorate General for Transport and Energy.
  20. ^CGI. 'GeoSciML Resource Repository'. Commission for the Management of Geoscience information.
  21. ^'Sparx Systems tools for ISO Geospatial Community'. GeoConnexion.
  22. ^'ArcGIS Pipeline Data Model (APDM) Clearinghouse'. APDM.net.
  23. ^IDEAS Group. 'IDEAS DM2 MetaModel'. IDEAS Group.
  24. ^CIMEA Group. 'Enterprise Architect Add-in for IEC CIM'. CIMEA.
  25. ^Michael van der Zel. 'Detailed Clinical Models with Enterprise Architect'(PDF). HL7 Org.
  26. ^G.Dickinson, N. Orvis, S.Hufnagel. 'From HITSP to HL7 EHR System Function and Information Model EHR-S FIM Release 3.0'(PDF). National Institute of Standards and Technology.CS1 maint: Multiple names: authors list (link)
  27. ^'caBIGModel Creation Guide'. U.S. National Institute of Health.
  28. ^'BRIDGE Model'. U.S. National Cancer Institute (NCI).
  29. ^UMM. 'UML Profiles for UMM'. UMM Development Site.
  30. ^UMM. 'VIENNA Addin'. UMM Development Site.
  31. ^'MDA Tool Sparx Systems'(PDF). Object Management Group (OMG).
  32. ^Frank Truyen. 'Model Driven Architecture with Enterprise Architect'(PDF). Cephas.
  33. ^Phil Chudley. 'How to Create CORBA IDL using Enterprise Architect'(PDF). Dunstan Thomas.
  34. ^Enterprise Architect Help. 'Model Validation'. Sparx Systems.
  35. ^'Requirements Management'. Sparx Systems.
  36. ^'Workflow Scripting'. Sparx Systems.
  37. ^'Tracking Changes'. Sparx Systems.
  38. ^'Business Models'. Enterprise Architect Help.
  39. ^'Business Rules Code Generation'. Enterprise Architect Help.
  40. ^'Model Simulation'. Sparx Systems.
  41. ^'Behavioral Code Generation'. Sparx Systems.
  42. ^'Software Development'. Sparx Systems.
  43. ^'Unit Testing'. Sparx Systems.
  44. ^'Testpoint Management'. Sparx Systems.
  45. ^'Recording Sequence Diagrams'. Sparx Systems.
  46. ^'Profiling Native Applications'. Sparx Systems.
  47. ^'SysML'. Sparx Systems.
  48. ^'Database Engineering'. Sparx Systems.
  49. ^'Built-in MDA Transforms'. Sparx Systems.
  50. ^'Auditing'. Sparx Systems.
  51. ^'Baselines'. Sparx Systems.
  52. ^'Version Control'. Sparx Systems.

External links[edit]

Wikimedia Commons has media related to Enterprise Architect (program).
Retrieved from 'https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Enterprise_Architect_(software)&oldid=899435607'
March 10, 2019

Enterprise Architect 14.1 Crack + Serial Key [Keygen] Download

Enterprise Architect 14.1 Crack is an extraordinary tool which gives you the high-end capabilities and a rich set of features for managing information and innovation environment. It is the best tool in today’s complex and demanding requirements of the users. It is an advanced and fully ready UNM diagram design application for engineers to manage complex projects in a simple way. Enterprise Architect offers you complete traceability from requirements analysis. You can prepare all the design artifacts through its stylish implementation and deployment.

Generally, the Enterprise Architect Keygen contains a built-in task and resource allocation. So, the project managers and all the persons related to your project are fully aware of all the information they need according to schedule. At a lower price significantly lower than competing tools, it provides the opportunity to leverage high-end modeling and construction features at a team-friendly level.

Enterprise Architect With License Key New Features

Moreover, Enterprise Architect 14.1 with License Key is capable to activate the tool with complete access. The software supplies you a long and satisfied track record in a wide range of industries across more than 160 countries. This software has been serving us for 15 years and during this period with a continuing history of updates. Additionally, it is fully ready to meet the emerging requirements of the programmers, businessmen, enterprise architects, project managers, designers, and others. So, Enterprise Architect has the best standard of work with perfect-practice. It can comfortably scale from small single user models to large team based repositories.

What’s New in Enterprise Architect 14.1 Build 1429 Cracked:

  • Latest Schema Composer JSON generation updates are available
  • The new Unified editions and SBPI Integration for Corporate now permit the writing capabilities.
  • Some modifications in Publish Diagram as UML Profiles.
  • This version is modified so that you can kick start a new project with the help of a suite of over 1000 custom built model patterns.
  • Now you can focus on individual modeling tasks cutting out the noise.
  • Meta-model based rules engine including model validation have become more flexible.
  • Many properties and configuration windows to enable context driven docked tools are improved.
  • A new Context Browser is introduced by which you can focus on a single branch of the repository.
  • There is improved and extended support for Collaborative Modeling.
  • Significantly simple, advance context menus are available.
  • You can directly access all commands from the Ribbon easily.
  • Enterprise Architect makes you able to generate code for various languages.
  • Systems engineering/ SysML capabilities are totally improved and made quite efficient.

Key Features Of Enterprise Architect Crack:

  • Enterprise Architect provides you integrated modeling platform including UML, SysML, BPMN and other open standards for tracing.
  • Enterprise Architect is capable to load extremely large models in few seconds and collaborate effectively globally.
  • By using dynamic model simulation, you can create perfect models for life and control them.
  • Also, it helps you to improve your business outcomes.
  • Enterprise Architect offers you full traceability from requirements, analysis, and design models.
  • All the users can get the correct information of any project just in few clicks.
  • This software is able to trace the requirements of your business and can manage them according to your desires.
  • Also, Enterprise Architect can manage this complex information effectively.
  • With a full WYSIWYG template editor, this software offers you powerful document generation and reporting tools.
  • It has the ability to resolves all your business hard assessments and complex information without any mental pain.
  • Also, you can quickly navigate from model to source code by built-in source code editor.
  • You can customize the generated code with Code generation template as you desire.

System Requirements:

  • Windows XP, Vista
  • Windows 7, 8, 8.1 and Windows 10 [32/64 bit]
  • Linux all old and new versions.
  • Mac OS X 10.8 or latest release.
  • Ram 2-GB or more for fast work.
  • 2-GHz Intel processor or higher.
  • Hard disk space 800-MB or more according to your needs.
  • 1280×720 screen display support.
  • Compatible databases Firebird, MySQL, PostgreSQL and more.

How to Crack Enterprise Architect?

  1. First of all, you need a trial version of Enterprise Architect
  2. Install it and run the program.
  3. Now download the Crack from here below.
  4. Place the Crack file into the Enterprise Architect installation folder.
  5. Run it.
  6. Wait for the process completion.
  7. Restart the program and enjoy full features.
Enterprise Architect Crack