Pokemon Go 100 Iv Sniper
UPDATE May 14, 2019
PokeXperience is a Discord server for Pokemon Go 100 IV coordinates - coords, spoof, pokeX, pokesniper, pokedex, pokedex100, snipe pokemon, shiny, 100IV, lets go.
Updated Perfect CP strings - added HP values
Convertvid. Updated Trash strings code but don't think any changed in the process (I think that's a good thing)
UPDATE Nov 22, 2018
Updated CPs for stat rework. Some trash strings might be broken, idk. Let me know.
UPDATE Oct 21, 2018
Use https://www.hundoiv.com/ for currently relevant search strings. You can use http://ark42.com/pogo/search.php as well to generate a variety of different search strings. They both do a better job than this repository since you can copy easily and they have a bit more accurate strings (e.g. including hp). Neither of the websites are mine FYI.
If you want to contact me for whatever reason:
Discord: Hexadecimal#3737
Twitter: @HexadecimalRS
Repository for search strings in Pokemon Go to search for 100% IV wild pokemon. Includes every pokemon gen 1-3.
THIS WILL NOT SHOW ONLY 100% IV POKEMON. This will show pokemon that have a CP matching that of a 100% IV pokemon. This is because of how CP works. e.g. if a 100% IV pokemon has 400 CP at level 15, that same pokemon might also hit 400 CP at level 16 or 17. You will need to appraise the pokemon shown by the search to see if they truly are 100% IV.
100 Iv Pokemon Go Chart
THIS WILL NOT SHOW EVERY POKEMON THAT WAS POWERED UP. The strings only show every integer level from 1 to 35, the levels of pokemon you can catch in the wild. If you powered certain pokemon up, and they're higher than level 35 or land on a 'half level' e.g. 4.5, they will not show up in the search.
You can use text replacement on iOS to use these strings. You might be able to use this on certain Android devices but the few that I've tried on have a character limit on text replacement. You might be able to find a way around that though.
iOS text replacement guide:
- Open Settings app
- General -> Keyboard -> Text Replacement
- Click the + in the top right corner
- Paste the string into 'Phrase' and add a name into 'Shortcut' e.g. 'ppidgey' for the pidgey string (ppidgey = perfect pidgey)
It's hard to copy/paste these on mobile. I suggest making a separate discord channel and posting each string separately on the desktop discord. Then, copy on mobile and paste. You can copy the whole text of one message on discord so this makes it easier than typing each string or screwing around trying to copy on mobile.
You're only able to use one string at a time. Meaning you can't check multiple pokemon with one string. This is because of the way the search function works in Pokemon Go.
I may add strings to show non-100 pokemon as well, to make some easier to trash.
Added trash IV strings in /Trash IV strings/!
Strings of non-100% mon. Can be 98%, 96%, etc still so be careful if you care about those.
WARNING If you have powered up pokemon, they may be perfect and still show up here. Hopefully you've starred all the good ones!